'capture' => true, // Charge immediatly // Save a stripe payment was done in realy life so later we will be able to force a commit on recorded payments $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1); // On repositionne la police par defaut // Conversion du PDF en image png si fichier png non existant // Save a stripe payment was done in realy life so later we will be able to force a commit on recorded payments // To make a Stripe SEPA payment request, we must have the payment mode source already saved into societe_rib and retreived with ->sepaStripe //break; // No break for sortfield and sortorder so we can cumulate fields (is it realy usefull ?) $errmsg = 'Failed to retreive paymentintent or charge from id'; $minifile = getImageFileNameForSize($fileinfo['basename'], '_mini'); // For new thumbs using same ext (in lower case howerver) than original $more .= '
'; $more .= '
'; $this->errors[] = "Error on updateing fk_prelevement_bons to ".$bon->id; // Defaut // Table of entities for export / Tableau des entites a exporter (cle=champ, valeur=entite) // Table of entities requiring DISTINCT abandonment / Tableau des entites qui requiert abandon du DISTINCT (cle=entite, valeur=champ id child records) // Table of fields to be filtered / Tableau des champs a filtrer (cle=champ, valeur1=type de donnees) on verifie que le module a des filtres // Tableau des entites qui requiert abandon du DISTINCT (cle=entite, valeur=champ id child records) console.log("We hide childs tickets of '.$groupcodefather.' group ticket") console.log("We show childs tickets of '.$groupcodefather.' group ticket") if (isset($this->oldcopy->array_options[$key]) && $this->array_options[$key] == $this->oldcopy->array_options[$key]) { // If old value crypted in database is same than submited new value, it means we don't change it, so we don't update. print ''; // class is requied to be used by javascript callForResult(); $objMod->dictionaries = $objMod->dictionnaries; // For backward compatibility $objMod->dictionaries = $objMod->{"dictionnaries"}; // For backward compatibility $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1); // On repositionne la police par defaut $repid[$idforallfornewmodule] = $langs->trans("ActionAC_ALL_".strtoupper($module)); $repid[-98] = $langs->trans("ActionAC_AUTO"); $repid[-99] = $langs->trans("ActionAC_MANUAL"); // 0=Recommanded, 1=Experimental, 2=Developpement, 3=Other // Batch number managment // Defaut // Detailed virtual stock, looks bugged, uncomplete and need heavy load. // Dont try to send email when no recipient // Note: For extrafield tablename, we have in importfieldshidden_array an enty 'extra.fk_object'=>'lastrowid-tableparent' so $keyfield is 'fk_object' // On retire les espaces autour des = et parenthèses // remove invalid value, as it didnt match anything // we dont use the rank from orderline because we may have lines from several orders dol_syslog("makeStripeSepaRequest get stripe connet account", LOG_DEBUG); print ''; // class is requied to be used by javascript callForResult(); print 'jQuery("select[name=\''.$paramkey.'\']").focus();'."\n"; // Not really usefull, but we keep it in case of. $filles[$obj->fk_categorie_fille] = 1; // Set record for this child $i2++; // a criteria for 1 more field was added to string (we can add several citeria for the same field as it is a multiselect search criteria) $invoiceid = -1; // There is more than one invoice payed by this payment $line->pa_ht = $line->pa_ht; // we choosed to have buy/cost price always positive, so no revert of sign here $mesg .= '
Unkown Error, please refers to your administrator'; $result = $adh->setPassword($user, $this->pass, (empty($conf->global->DATABASE_PWD_ENCRYPTED) ? 0 : 1), 1); // Cryptage non gere dans module adherent $result = $line->insert(0, 1); // When creating credit note with same lines than source, we must ignore error if discount alreayd linked $value = ((!empty($this->array_options) && array_key_exists("options_".$key.$keysuffix, $this->array_options)) ? $this->array_options["options_".$key.$keysuffix] : null); // Value may be cleaned or formated later $ways = $c->print_all_ways(' >> ', 'none', 0, 1); // $ways[0] = "ccc2 >> ccc2a >> ccc2a1" with html formated text 'capture' => true, // Charge immediatly 'description'=>$fille->description, 'id'=>$fille->id, 'label'=>$fille->label, 'photos' => $fille->liste_photos($dir, $nbmax) 'socid'=>$fille->socid, 'type'=>$fille->type, /* Force to recompute the width of a select2 field when it was hidden and then shown programatically */ // Batch number managment // Detailed virtual stock, looks bugged, uncomplete and need heavy load. // Example for remplacement // If error is more than 10 times the accurancy of rounding. This should not happen. // If margin is calculated on Cost price, we set it by defaut (but only if value is not 0) // If margin is calculated on PMP, we set it by defaut (but only if value is not 0) // If margin is calculated on best supplier price, we set it by defaut (but only if value is not 0) // On remplace la virgule et l'arobase pour ne pas avoir de problème par la suite // Removing space arount =, ( and ) // Show subproducts of product (not recommanded) // TODO Que faire si update echoue car on update avec un login deja existant pour un autre compte. // dont try to send email if no recipient // nous avons au moins une reponse // nous n'avons pas de reponse => n'existe pas //'visible'=>$fille->visible, break; // break for loop incase of error hide: { delay: 50 }, /* If I enable effect:\'toggle\' here, a bug appears: the tooltip is shown when collpasing a new dir if it was shown before */ if ($reg[1] == 'thi') { // Third-party if (empty($objMod->dictionaries) && !empty($objMod->dictionnaries)) { if (empty($objMod->dictionaries) && !empty($objMod->{"dictionnaries"})) { print 'id.'">'; $additionnalparam .= ($additionnalparam ? ' ' : '').'-U '.$additionnalparam; // Use -U to add additionnal params $cat['filles'][] = array( $invoiceid = -1; // There is more than one invoice payed by this payment $newarrayres[$key]['type'] = (dol_strlen($val) ? 1 : -1); // If empty we considere it's null $objectobj->thirdparty = $objectobj; // Hack so following code is comaptible when objectobj is a thirdparty $outtva_tx_formated = price($objp->tva_tx); // formated for langage user because is inserted into input field $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1); // On repositionne la police par defaut $pdir = get_exdir($fille->id, 2, 0, 0, $categorie, 'category').$fille->id."/photos/"; $prods[$rec['rowid']]['childs'][$keyChild] = $valueChild; $repid[$obj->id] = $label; $reponsesadd = str_split($obj->reponses); $s = array(); // Array with size of each page. Exemple array(w'=>210, 'h'=>297); $serie[$i] .= 'd' . $i . '.push([' . $x . ', ' . $y . ']);' . "\n"; $serie[$i] .= 'd' . $i . '.push({"label":"' . dol_escape_js($legends[$x]) . '", "data":' . $y . '});' . "\n"; $sql .= " SET reponses = '".$db->escape($reponsesadd)."'"; $sql .= " SET reponses = '0".$db->escape($obj->reponses)."'"; $translationKey = 'CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount'; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $translationKey = 'HasAbsoluteDiscountFromSupplier'; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $ways = $c->print_all_ways(' >> ', 'none', 0, 1); // $ways[0] = "ccc2 >> ccc2a >> ccc2a1" with html formated text /*case 'select': // Not required, we chosed value='0' for undefined values // Batch number managment // Case we dont use the list of available qty for each warehouse/lot // Change each progression persent on each lines // Conversion du PDF en image png si fichier png non existant // Convert float submited string into real php numeric (value in memory must be a php numeric) // If assignement was done and after, was removed from contact of project, then we can hide the line. // If we want to closed payed invoices // Information if theres a rule restriction // Jump on next occurence // Label mouvement // Login is successfull with this method // Lot/serie // Message-ID=A, In-Reply-To=B, References=B and message can BE an answer or NOT (a transfer rewriten) // Not a recongized record // Note: This suppose that "pass_indatabase_crypted" is a md5 (guaranted by the previous test if "(empty($conf->global->MAIN_SECURITY_HASH_ALGO))" // Objet // On verifie si le login a change et on met a jour les attributs dolibarr // Should not happend. Entries are added // Si traduction existe, on l'utilise, sinon on prend le libelle par defaut // TODO Check amount is same than the amount required for the type of member or if not defined as the defeault amount into $conf->global->MEMBER_NEWFORM_AMOUNT // Tableau des entites a exporter (cle=champ, valeur=entite) // This user is linked with a member, so we also update members informations // apply note frame to previus pages // because assignement on task can be done only on contact of project. // by ths page itself with a .change on the combolist '#idprodfournprice' // if we have a BILLING contact and we dont use it as thirdparty recipient we store the contact object for later use // if we have a CUSTOMER contact and we dont use it as recipient we store the contact object for later use // if we have a CUSTOMER contact and we dont use it as thirdparty recipient we store the contact object for later use // if we have a SHIPPING contact and we dont use it as thirdparty recipient we store the contact object for later use // service and we setted mandatory_period to true //Time ressources //comparaison des heures de fin et de debut console.log("objectline_create.tpl Load desciption into text area : "+proddesc); continue; // The field was not submited to be saved dol_syslog("Entity was not set on http header with HTTP_DOLAPIENTITY (recommanded for performance purpose), so we switch now on entity of user (".$conf->entity.") and we have to reload configuration.", LOG_WARNING); dol_syslog("functions_dolibarr::check_user_password_dolibarr Authentification ok - found old pass in database", LOG_WARNING); dol_syslog("functions_dolibarr::check_user_password_dolibarr Authentification ok - found pass in database"); dol_syslog("functions_dolibarr::check_user_password_dolibarr Authentification ok - hash ".$cryptType." of pass is ok"); dol_syslog('We found unconsistent data into detailed line (diff_on_current_total = '.$diff_on_current_total.') for line rowid = '.$obj->rowid." (ht=".$obj->total_ht." vat=".$obj->total_tva." tax1=".$obj->total_localtax1." tax2=".$obj->total_localtax2." ttc=".$obj->total_ttc."). We fix the total_vat and total_ttc of line by running sqlfix = ".$sqlfix, LOG_WARNING); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::create ".$this->error, LOG_WARNING); // do not use dol_print_error here as it may be a functionnal error foreach ($childrens as $child) { if ($iinstack % 2) { // We increase agressiveness of reference color for color 2, 4, 6, ... if (empty($objecttmp->linkedObjectsIds['order_supplier']) || !in_array($value, $objecttmp->linkedObjectsIds['order_supplier'])) { //Dont try to link if already linked print "\n\n"; print ''; setEventMessage("actions.lib::show_actions_messaging Error fetch ressource", 'errors'); setEventMessage("company.lib::show_actions_done Error fetch ressource", 'errors'); } else { // We decrease agressiveness of reference color for color 3, 5, 7, .. $_SESSION["dol_loginmesg"] = "Failed to login using Google. OAuth callback URL retreives a token with non valid data"; $alreadygrabbed[$urltograbbis] = 1; // Track that file was alreay grabbed. $childrens = $this->getChildrenOfLine($row[0]); $cluser = new User($this->db); $cluser->fetch($obj->fk_user_closing); $cluser->fetch($obj->fk_user_cloture); $erorr++; $heigth = $tmp[3]; $info[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD] = $this->pass_indatabase; // $this->pass_indatabase = mot de passe non crypte $info[$conf->global->LDAP_MEMBER_FIELD_PASSWORD] = $this->pass_indatabase; // $this->pass_indatabase = mot de passe non crypte $optstart .= ' data-tvatx-formated="' . dol_escape_htmltag(price($objp->tva_tx, 0, $langs, 1, -1, 2)) . '"'; $optstart .= ' data-tvatx-formated="'.dol_escape_htmltag(price($objp->tva_tx, 0, $langs, 1, -1, 2)).'"'; $outprice_ht = price($objp->price); // formated for langage user because is inserted into input field $outprice_ttc = price($objp->price_ttc); // formated for langage user because is inserted into input field $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1); // On repositionne la police par defaut $pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1); // On repositionne la police par defaut $postactionmessages[] = 'Payment donation can\'t be payed with diffent currency than '.$conf->currency; $serie[$i] .= ($j > 0 ? ", " : "") . $y; $serie[$i] .= ($j > 0 ? ", " : "") . 'null'; $this->fetch_prod_arbo($desc_pere['childs'], $compl_path.$desc_pere[3]." -> ", $desc_pere[1] * $multiply, $level + 1, $id, $ignore_stock_load); $this->tva[$vatrate] += $tvaligne; // ->tva is abandonned, we use now ->tva_array that is more complete $this->user_closing = $cluser; $this->user_cloture = $cluser; $usertime = 0; // We dont modify date because we want to have date into memory datep and datef stored as GMT date. Compensation will be done during output. $ways = $c->print_all_ways(' >> ', 'none', 0, 1); // $ways[0] = "ccc2 >> ccc2a >> ccc2a1" with html formated text && $obj->status != $tmpobject::STATUS_ABANDONED // Not abandonned 'adress'=>$obj->adress, 'capture' => true, // Charge immediatly 'transparency'=>$object->transparency, // Force transparency on onwer from preoperty of event /* Remove selected id as soon as we type or delete a char (it means old selection is wrong). Use keyup/down instead of change to avoid loosing the product id. This is needed only for select of predefined product */ /*case 'select': // Not required, we chosed value='0' for undefined values // Batch number managment // Calculcate number of days consumed // Cas des factures liees par un autre objet (ex: commande) // Check string $this->db-> into a non class.php file (it shoud be $db-> into such classes) // Classe facture // Dates of service planed and real // For exemple, we may have error: 'No such customer: cus_XXXXX; a similar object exists in live mode, but a test mode key was used to make this request.' // For full day events, date are also GMT but they wont but converted using tz during output // If translation exists, we use it, otherwise, we use tha had coded label // Line dates planed // Message-ID=A, In-Reply-To=B, References=B and message can BE an answer or NOT (a transfer rewriten) // Note: $obj->halfday is 0:Full days, 2:Sart afternoon end morning, -1:Start afternoon, 1:End morning // Objet // On charge les attributs du user ldap // On selectionne les groupes auquel fait parti le user // On verifie l'emplacement du modele // Onwer // Produit non deja existant // Search submenu fot this mainmenu entry // Si safe_mode on et command hors du parametre exec, on a un fichier out vide donc errormsg vide // Si traduction existe, on l'utilise, sinon on prend le libelle par defaut // Strip off the beggining '<' // TODO If not defined, use $objectobj->model_pdf (or defaut invoice config) to know what is template to use to regenerate doc. // TODO Replace this with a checkbox for each payment mode: "Send request to PaymentModeManager immediatly..." // TODO Replace this with a checkbox for each payment mode: "Send request to XXX immediatly..." // TODO Show vat amout per tax level // The image must have the class 'boxhandle' beause it's value used in DOM draggable objects to define the area used to catch the full object // This member is linked with a thirdparty, so we also update thirdparty informations // This member is linked with a user, so we also update users informations // This part of code is no more required. it is here to solve case where a link were missing (ith v14.0.0) and keep writing in accountancy complete. // Time ressources // Unformatted text, added after text. Usefull to add/load javascript code // Upgrade connexion to TLS, if requested by the configuration // We check if lines of invoice are not already transfered into accountancy // We dont use dol_escape_htmltag to get the html formating active, but this need we must also // after the first line, we only need to check for it in the middle, not at the beginning of an insert (becuase the beginning will be on the first line) // at a time, and thats just stupid, so lets just hope this doesnt appear anywhere in the actual data // de ceux du produit par defaut (par exemple si pays different entre vendeur et acheteur). // if we have a PROJECTLEADER contact and we dont use it as recipient we store the contact object for later use // save curent cell padding //$sql .= " AND (status <> 3 OR close_code <> 'abandon')"; // Not abandonned for undefined reason //Esle it's separated key/value and coma list //If text set in desc is the same as product descpription (as now it's preloaded) whe add it only one time //No diff => mean everythings is received //No diff => mean everythings is shipped

Nam elementum nisl et mi a commodo porttitor. Morbi sit amet nisl eu arcu faucibus hendrerit vel a risus. Nam a orci mi, elementum ac arcu sit amet, fermentum pellentesque et purus. Integer maximus varius lorem, sed convallis diam accumsan sed. Etiam porttitor placerat sapien, sed eleifend a enim pulvinar faucibus semper quis ut arcu. Ut non nisl a mollis est efficitur vestibulum. Integer eget purus nec nulla mattis et accumsan ut magna libero. Morbi auctor iaculis porttitor. Sed ut magna ac risus et hendrerit scelerisque. Praesent eleifend lacus in lectus aliquam porta. Cras eu ornare dui curabitur lacinia.

GETPOST("mouvement", 'int'), console.log("Clik on #topmenulogincompanyinfo-btn"); console.log("Clik on #topmenuloginmoreinfo-btn"); console.log("Clik on topmenulogincompanyinfo-btn"); console.log("Clik on topmenuloginmoreinfo-btn"); console.log("chartofaccounts seleted = "+$("#chartofaccounts").val()); dol_syslog("Function: deleteThirdParty cant delete"); dol_syslog('Save lastsearch_values_tmp_'.$key.'='.json_encode($val, 0)." (systematic recording of last search criterias)"); error="Database $dbname NOT successfully droped. You have to do it manually." foreach ($cats as $fille) { if (!empty($childrens)) { if (!isset($filles[$obj->fk_categorie_fille])) { // Only one record as child (a child has only on parent). if ($conf->file->mailing_limit_sendbyweb != '-1') { // MAILING_LIMIT_SENDBYWEB was set to -1 in database, but it is allowed ot increase it. if ($login && $login != '--bad-login-validity--') { // Login is successfull if (((isModEnabled("fournisseur") && empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_NEW_SUPPLIERMOD)) || isModEnabled("supplier_order")) && !empty($conf->global->WORKFLOW_BILL_ON_RECEPTION)) { // Quand l'option est on, il faut avoir le bouton en plus et non en remplacement du Close ? if (count($diff_array) == 0 && count($keysinwishednotindelivered) == 0 && count($keysindeliverednotinwished) == 0) { //No diff => mean everythings is received if (empty($conf->global->PROJECT_DISABLE_UNLINK_FROM_OVERVIEW) || $user->admin) { // PROJECT_DISABLE_UNLINK_FROM_OVERVIEW is empty by defaut, so this test true if (isModEnabled("supplier_order") && !empty($conf->global->WORKFLOW_BILL_ON_RECEPTION)) { // Quand l'option est on, il faut avoir le bouton en plus et non en remplacement du Close ? if (isModEnabled('facture') && !empty($conf->global->WORKFLOW_BILL_ON_SHIPMENT)) { // Quand l'option est on, il faut avoir le bouton en plus et non en remplacement du Close ? if (isNaN(pbq)) { console.log("We use experimental option PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY or PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY but we could not get the id of pbq from product combo list, so load of price may be 0 if product has differet prices"); } jQuery("#mouvement option").removeAttr("selected").change(); jQuery("#mouvement option[value=0]").attr("selected","selected").trigger("change"); jQuery("#mouvement option[value=1]").attr("selected","selected").trigger("change"); jQuery("#mouvement").trigger("change"); print "ERROR: Failed to include file '".$filephp."'. Try to edit and re-save page ith this ID."; print '
'; // You can use div-table-responsive-no-min if you dont need reserved height for your table } else { // Pour les autres schémas, les membres sont listés sous forme de DN complets $newmenu->add("/compta/stats/comp.php?leftmenu=report","Transforme",2,$user->hasRight('compta', 'resultat', 'lire')); * Section Creditor (sepa Crediteurs bloc lines) * Section Debitor (sepa Debiteurs bloc lines) "confirm" => $confirmnow, // Do not confirm immediatly during creation of intent $ErrorLongMsg = "Session expired. Can't retreive PaymentType. Payment has not been validated."; $accountparent->account_number = $obj->account_number2; // Sotre an account number for output $action = 'transfert'; $allways = $parent->get_all_ways(); $bugbaseurl .= urlencode("## [Attached files](https://help.github.com/articles/issue-attachments) (Screenshots, screencasts, dolibarr.log, debugging informations…)\n"); $childs[] = array_combine($keys, $values); $info[$conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PASSWORD] = $this->pass; // this->pass = mot de passe non crypte $info[$conf->global->LDAP_MEMBER_FIELD_PASSWORD] = $this->pass; // this->pass = mot de passe non crypte $initialY = $tab_top + 7; $newmenu->add("/projet/list.php?leftmenu=projets".($search_project_user ? '&search_project_user='.$search_project_user : ''), $langs->trans("List"), 1, $showmode, '', 'project', 'list'); $newmenu->add("/projet/list.php?leftmenu=projets".($search_project_user ? '&search_project_user='.$search_project_user : '').'&search_status=99', $langs->trans("List"), 1, $showmode, '', 'project', 'list'); $object->actionmsg = dol_concatdesc($object->actionmsg, "\n".$langs->transnoentities("AttachedFiles").': '.$attachs); $paramfortooltipimg .= ' title="' . ($noencodehtmltext ? $htmltext : dol_escape_htmltag($htmltext, 1)) . '"'; // Attribut to put on img tag to store tooltip $paramfortooltipimg .= ' title="'.($noencodehtmltext ? $htmltext : dol_escape_htmltag($htmltext, 1)).'"'; // Attribut to put on img tag to store tooltip $paramfortooltiptd .= ' title="' . ($noencodehtmltext ? $htmltext : dol_escape_htmltag($htmltext, 1)) . '"'; // Attribut to put on td tag to store tooltip $paramfortooltiptd .= ' title="'.($noencodehtmltext ? $htmltext : dol_escape_htmltag($htmltext, 1)).'"'; // Attribut to put on td tag to store tooltip $showfield = 1; // Par defaut $tagdatabase = true; // We don't know what it was before, so now we consider we are version choosed. $this->category->childs[] = $this->_cleanObjectDatas($cat); $this->civility_id = $obj->civility_code; // Bad. Kept for backard compatibility $this->date_delivery = $this->db->jdate($obj->date_delivery); // Date planed $this->liste_array = $repid; $this->stringtoshow .= $serie[$i] . "\n"; $this->stringtoshow .= $this->mirrorGraphValues ? '[' . -$serie[$i] . ',' . $serie[$i] . ']' : $serie[$i]; $this->stringtoshow .= ' data: [' . $serie[$i] . ']'; $this->stringtoshow .= '' . "\n"; $tmp = array('id_users'=>$obj->id_users, 'nom'=>$obj->name, 'reponses'=>$obj->reponses); $valuetoshow = ucfirst($fieldlist[$field]); // Par defaut $ways = $c->print_all_ways(' >> ', ($nolink ? 'none' : ''), 0, 1); // $ways[0] = "ccc2 >> ccc2a >> ccc2a1" with html formated text 'align' => 'L', // text alignement : R,C,L 'dol_company' => $mysoc->name, // Usefull when using multicompany 'textkey' => 'Designation', // use lang key is usefull in somme case with module /* If page_y set, we set scollbar with it */ /* Removed due to awful harcoded values /*case 'select': // Not required, we chosed value='0' for undefined values // $pdf->GetY() here can't be used. It is bottom of the second addresse box but first one may be higher // Add entry into bank accoun // Add field of attribut // Ajout de l'utilisateur dans le groupe // Batch number managment // By default, electronic transfert from bank to bank // Calculcate number of days consumed // Complete object by loading several other informations // Default and recommended: New method using ajax without submiting a page making a javascript history.go(-1) back // Define $fileEmetteurSection. Start of bloc PmtInf. Will contains all $nbtotalDrctDbtTxInf // Define heigth of table for lines (for first page) // Define message to recommand from command line // Definie date debut et fin par defaut // Desactivation des modules qui entrent en conflit // Dont display separator yet even is set to be displayed (not compatible yet) // Exemple of var_dump $outarray // Files missings // Fix Get multicurrency param for transmited // Fonctions de conversion non presente dans ce PHP // Get lines of sources alread delivered // Get next free nuber for the ref of bon // If create form is coming from same page, it means that post was sent but an error occured // If not abandonned // If option "one bill per third" is set, and an invoice for this thirdparty was already created, we re-use it. // If this->filter/this->filtergroup is empty, make fiter on * (all) // Information if theres a rule restriction // Informations on receipt // Lop on each packacge of the metapackage // MAILING_LIMIT_SENDBYCLI may be defined ot not (-1=forbidden, 0 or undefined=no limit). // MAILING_LIMIT_SENDBYDAY may be defined ot not (0 or undefined=no limit). // Mise a jour informations denormalisees au niveau de la commande meme // Mise a jour informations denormalisees au niveau de la facture meme // Mise a jour informations denormalisees au niveau de la propale meme // No break, we sould test if another rule is violated // No temp directory provided, so we are not able to support convertion of data:image into physical images. // On verifie l'emplacement du modele // Option to reload page to retrieve customer informations. Note, this clear other input // Ordre SQL ne necessitant pas de connexion a une base (exemple: CREATE DATABASE) // Payment informations // Proprietes particulieres a facture de remplacement // Recursive call if there is childs to child // See example with selectsearchbox.php. This case is reserverd for the selectesearchbox.php so we can // Seperate "Real Name" from eMail address // Should not happend. Entries are added // Si on a un gestionnaire de generation de mot de passe actif // Si traduction existe, on l'utilise, sinon on prend le libelle par defaut // Situations totals migth be wrong on huge amounts with old mode 1 // Subscription informations // TODO : if base exists in unit dictionary table, remove this convertion exception and update convertion infos in database. // TODO Can we set it to submited ? // TODO We can't, we dont' have full path of file, only last_main_doc and ->element, so we must first rebuild full path $destfull // This convert an embedd file with src="/viewimage.php?modulepart... into a cid link // This make 12 calls for each accountancy account (12 monthes M) // Validate immediatly the order // Warning, the function may add a LF so we are forced to trim to compare with old $out without having always a difference and an infinit loop. // We check if lines of invoice are not already transfered into accountancy // We dont want on all entities, we delete all and current // We must filter on assignement table // at a time, and thats just stupid, so lets just hope this doesnt appear anywhere in the actual data // caculate new total line qty // category calculed // dont display if empty // if credit note, dont allow to modify margin // in after, we need to watch out for escape format strings, ie (E'escaped \r in a string'), and ('bla',E'escaped \r in a string'), but could also be (number, E'string'); so we cant search for the previoous ' // multiselect array convert html entities into options tags, even if we dont want this, so we encode them a second time // to display inport button on tpl //$newstatus=3; // Submited //$sql.= " AND entity IN (0,".$conf->entity.")"; Do not test on entity here. We want to see if there is still on field remaning in other entities before deleting field in table //$this->stringtoshow .= $serie[$i]."\n"; //$vat_src_code_for_line = $line->vat_src_code; // TODO We chek sign of total per vat without taking into account the vat code because for the moment the vat code is lost/unknown when we add a down payment. //Check tms timestamp field case (in Mysql this field is defautled to now and //If text set in desc is the same as product descpription (as now it's preloaded) whe add it only one time //If text set in desc is the same as product description (as now it's preloaded) whe add it only one time //Libellé manuel //si les reponses ne concerne pas la colonne effacée, on concatenate //si les reponses ne concerne pas la colonne effacée, on concatene GETPOST("mouvement", "int"), GETPOST("mouvement", 'alpha'), GETPOST("mouvement", 'int'), console.log("Capture paymentIntent successfull "+paymentIntentId); continue; // The field was not submited to be saved dol_syslog("The user login has a validity between [".$user->datestartvalidity." and ".$user->dateendvalidity."], curren date is ".dol_now()); dol_syslog("functions_isallowed::check_user_api_key Authentication KO for '".$login."': The user login has a validity between [".$fuser->datestartvalidity." and ".$fuser->dateendvalidity."], curren date is ".dol_now()); dol_syslog('Bad password, connexion refused', LOG_DEBUG); dol_syslog('Bad value for code, connexion refused'); dol_syslog('Call fetch_barcode with barcode_type not defined and cant be guessed', LOG_WARNING); foreach ($allways as $way) { foreach ($legends as $val) { // Loop on each serie fwrite($handle, "\n-- WARNING: Show create table ".$table." return empy string when it should not.\n"); if ($ex) { // are we expecting an operator but have a number/variable/function/opening parethesis? if ($forcedroundingmode == '1') { // Check if we need adjustement onto line for vat. TODO This works on the company currency but not on foreign currency if ($forcedroundingmode == '1') { // Check if we need adjustement onto line for vat. TODO This works on the company currency but not on multicurrency if (isModEnabled('facture') && !empty($conf->global->WORKFLOW_BILL_ON_RECEPTION)) { // Quand l'option est on, il faut avoir le bouton en plus et non en remplacement du Close ? if (isModEnabled('facture') && !empty($conf->global->WORKFLOW_BILL_ON_SHIPMENT)) { // Quand l'option est on, il faut avoir le bouton en plus et non en remplacement du Close ? if (isset($desc_pere['childs']) && is_array($desc_pere['childs'])) { if (jQuery("#mouvement").val() == \'0\') jQuery("#unitprice").removeAttr("disabled"); if (preg_match('/\+(thi|ctc|use|mem|sub|proj|tas|con|tic|pro|ord|inv|spro|sor|sin|leav|stockinv|job|surv|salary)([0-9]+)@/', $emailto, $reg)) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.form.class.php'; // The compoent may be included into ajax page that does not include the Form class log="${log}Droping database $dbname." print ''.$langs->trans("TransferStock").''; print ''.$langs->trans("TransferStock").''; print '
'; // You can use div-table-responsive-no-min if you dont need reserved height for your table print '
'; // You can use div-table-responsive-no-min if you dont need reserved height for your table print '
'; // Button include dynamic contant return $this->trigger(9, "an unexpected error occured"); } // don't wast resourses if we don't need them... * 'foreignkey'=>'tablename.field' if the field is a foreign key (it is recommanded to name the field fk_...). $action = ''; // Do not show form post if there was at least one successfull sent $action = 'transfert'; $alreadyfound = array($id=>1); // We init array of found object to start of tree, so if we found it later (should not happened), we stop immediatly $api_key = $_SERVER['HTTP_DOLAPIKEY']; // With header method (recommanded) $attachs = $_SESSION['listofnames-'.$object->trackid]; $buyingprice = price2num(GETPOST('buying_price'.$predef) != '' ? GETPOST('buying_price'.$predef) : ''); // If buying_price is '0', we muste keep this value $canconvert = 1; // we can convert credit note into discount if credit note is not payed back and not already converted and amount of payment is 0 (see real condition into condition used to show button converttoreduc) $canconvert = 1; // we can convert deposit into discount if deposit is payed (completely, partially or not at all) and not already converted (see real condition into condition used to show button converttoreduc) $childs = array(); $childs[] = array_combine($keys, $values); $curent = !empty($conf->global->{$thisTypeConfName}) ? $conf->global->{$thisTypeConfName}:$conf->global->FACTURE_ADDON_PDF; $ensemblereponses = $obj->reponses; $event->datep = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $datearray['mon'], $datearray['mday'], $year, true); // For full day events, date are also GMT but they wont but converted during output $ext = 'version='.GETPOST('version', 'int'); // usefull to force no cache on css/js $filles = array(); $filterabsolutediscount = "fk_facture_source IS NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $filterabsolutediscount = "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $filtercreditnote = "fk_facture_source IS NOT NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $filtercreditnote = "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NOT NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $invoicestatic->statut = $obj->fk_statut; // For backward comaptibility $jsListType .= (!empty($jsListType) ? ',' : '').'"'.$type.'":"'.$curent.'"'; $level = 0; // if $level = -1, we dont' use sublevel recursion, we show all lines $line->pa_ht = $line->pa_ht; // we choosed to have buy/cost price always positive, so no revert of sign here $msgishtml = -1; // Unknow = autodetect by default $msgishtml = -1; // Unknow by default $paht_ret = $paht; $paramfortooltipimg = ($extracss ? ' class="' . $extracss . '"' : '') . ($extrastyle ? ' style="' . $extrastyle . '"' : ''); // Attribut to put on td text tag $paramfortooltipimg = ($extracss ? ' class="'.$extracss.'"' : '').($extrastyle ? ' style="'.$extrastyle.'"' : ''); // Attribut to put on td text tag $paramfortooltiptd = ($extracss ? ' class="' . $extracss . '"' : '') . ($extrastyle ? ' style="' . $extrastyle . '"' : ''); // Attribut to put on td text tag $paramfortooltiptd = ($extracss ? ' class="'.$extracss.'"' : '').($extrastyle ? ' style="'.$extrastyle.'"' : ''); // Attribut to put on td text tag $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdiscount - $this->posxunit, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Label Mouvement"), '', 'C'); $pdf->SetXY($this->getColumnContentXStart($colKey), $curY); // Set curent position $result -= $amountToBreakdown; // And canceled substraction has been replaced by breakdown $result = $ldap->add($dn, $info, $user); // Wil fail if already exists $result = $line->insert(0, 1); // When creating credit note with same lines than source, we must ignore error if discount alreayd linked $serie[$i] = ""; $serie[$i] = "var d" . $i . " = [];\n"; $showfield = 1; // By defaut $sql .= " AND f.fk_statut = 2"; // payed Not that some corrupted data may contains f.fk_statut = 1 AND f.paye = 1 (it means payed too but should not happend. If yes, reopen and reclassify billed) $sql .= " AND f.fk_statut = 3"; // abandonned $sql .= " WHERE c.entity IN (".getEntity('commande').")"; // Dont't use entity if you use rowid $sql .= " WHERE fk_facture_source = ".((int) $this->fk_facture_source); // Delete all lines of same serie $sql .= " WHERE fk_invoice_supplier_source = ".((int) $this->fk_invoice_supplier_source); // Delete all lines of same serie $sql .= " WHERE p.entity IN (0,".getEntity('partnership').")"; // Dont't use entity if you use rowid $sql .= '(SELECT MAX(fs.rowid)'; // This select returns several ID becasue of the group by later $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'opensurvey_user_studs (nom, id_sondage, reponses)'; $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'opensurvey_user_studs (nom, id_sondage, reponses, date_creation)'; $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'opensurvey_user_studs (nom, id_sondage, reponses, ip, date_creation)'; $sql = 'SELECT s.reponses'; $sql2 .= " SET reponses = '".$db->escape($newcar)."'"; $this->category->childs = array(); $this->emetteur->country_code = substr($langs->defaultlang, -2); // Par defaut, si n'etait pas defini $this->error = 'update_note was called on objet with property table_element not defined'; $this->modelpdf = $modelpdf; // For bakward compatibility $this->output .= ' Send email successfuly to '.$nbok.' members'; $this->product->sousprods = $childs; $this->tpl['yn_assujtva'] = $form->selectyesno('assujtva_value', $this->tpl['tva_assuj'], 1); // Assujeti par defaut en creation $title = preg_replace("/([[:alnum:]])\?([[:alnum:]])/", "\\1'\\2", $title); // Gere probleme des apostrophes mal codee/decodee par utf8 $title = preg_replace("/^\s+/", "", $title); // Supprime espaces de debut $trans_colour = imagecolorallocate($imgTarget, 255, 255, 255); // On procede autrement pour le format GIF $trans_colour = imagecolorallocate($imgThumb, 255, 255, 255); // On procede autrement pour le format GIF $txtforsticker = "%PHOTO%"; // Photo will be barcode image, %BARCODE% posible when using TCPDF generator $values = array(); // Array with horizontal y values (specific values of a serie) for each abscisse x $values = array(); // Array with horizontal y values (specific values of a serie) for each abscisse x (with x=0,1,2,...) $valuetoshow = ucfirst($fieldlist[$field]); // By defaut $valuetoshow = ucfirst($fieldlist[$field]); // Par defaut $valuetoshow = ucfirst($value); // Par defaut $ways = $c->print_all_ways(' >> ', 'none', 0, 1); // $ways[0] = "ccc2 >> ccc2a >> ccc2a1" with html formated text 'sr.type' => "Type ban is defaut", /* Disabled because bcc must remain by defintion not visible // $_POST contains fk_commandefourndet_X_Y where Y is num of product line and X is number of splitted line // $opt['filter[id]'] contais list of product id that are result of search // 1 - Association des utilisateurs du groupe LDAP au groupe Dolibarr // 2 - Suppression des utilisateurs du groupe Dolibarr qui ne sont plus dans le groupe LDAP // A redirect is added if API call successfull // Action according to choosed sending method // Add entry into bank accoun // Add personnal information // Adding may convert the original string into a HTML string. Sowe have to first // Adding a RSS feed into a sitemap should nto be required. The RSS contains pages that are already included into // Amount payed // Atom support many links per containging element. // Aucun model par defaut. // Batch number managment // Bloc to update dates of service (month by month only if previously filled and similare to start and end of month) // By default, electronic transfert from bank to bank // CNAT // Calculating a theorical value // Check if the page we are translation of is alreayd a translation of a source page. if yes, we will use source id instead // Check unicity for serial numbered equipments once all movement were done. // Chercher un contact existant avec cette adresse email // Color of earch arc // Defaut // Discard check of mandatory fiedls for other fields // Documents are stored above the web pages root to prevent being downloaded without authentification // Dont't use entity if you use rowid // Dynamic max line heigh calculation // Editer une facture deja validee, sans paiement effectue et pas exporte en compta // Exemple : ALTER TABLE llx_adherent ADD CONSTRAINT adherent_fk_soc FOREIGN KEY (fk_soc) REFERENCES llx_societe (rowid) // Exemple, now $urltograbdirwithoutslash is https://www.dolimed.com/screenshots // Fonctions de conversion non presente dans ce PHP // Fonctions of conversion not available in this PHP // For invoice, we don't want to have a reference line on document. Image we are using recuring invoice, we will have a line longer than document width. // Gestion des groupes // Gestion des utilisateurs associés au groupe // Groupes // If a bank account is prodived and we ask to use it as creditor, we use the bank address // If googleoauth_login has been set (by google_oauthcallback after a successfull OAUTH2 request on openid scope // If not abandonned // If stock decrease is on invoice validation, the theorical stock continue to // If there is a nown BOM, we force the type of MO to the type of BOM // If this is the requestor or has read/write rights // If value contains the unique code of vat line (new recommanded method), we use it to find npr and local taxes // Informations for expense report (dates and users workflow) // Keep invoices that are not situation invoices or that are the last in serie if it is a situation invoice // Les contraintes indesirables ont un nom qui commence par 0_ ou se termine par ibfk_999 // Limit and truncate with "…" the displayed text lenght, 0 = disabled // Message must be formated and translated to be used with javascript directly // Microsoft is a service that does not need state to be stored as second paramater of requestAccessToken // Note: We accept disabled account as parent account so we can build a hierarchy and use only childs // Note: We are here only if $conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_ACTIONAUTO_action is on (tested at begining of this function). // Nouveau système du comon object renvoi des rowid et non un id linéaire de 1 à n // On create mode, force separator group to not be collapsable // On nettoie le header pour qu'il ne se termine pas par un retour chariot. // On parcourt donc une liste d'objets en tant qu'objet unique // On selectionne les users qui ne sont pas deja dans le groupe // On verifie l'emplacement du modele // On verifie si aucun paiement n'a ete effectue // On verifie si la balise prefix est utilisee // On verifie si la facture a des paiements // Option to reload page to retrieve customer informations. Note, this clear other input // Parameteres execution // Programm next run // Replace espacing \' by ''. // Replace protected special codes with matching number of _ as wild card caracter // Select des informations du projet // Set default encryption to yes, generate a salt and set default encryption algorythm (but only if there is no user yet into database) // Show var initialized by include fo paypal lib at begin of this file // Si il y a eu echec de connexion, $this->db n'est pas valide pour mysqli_error. // Si il y a eu echec de connexion, $this->db n'est pas valide pour sqlite_error. // Si il y a eu echec de connexion, $this->db n'est pas valide. // Si on a demande supression d'un droit en particulier, on recupere // Si on a selectionne une demande a copier, on realise la copie // So we wil know the payment that have generated the bank transaction // Sort array by date ASC to calucalte balance // Succes // TODO : revoir la gestion des groupes (ou script de sync groupes) // TODO A virer quand sera gere par l'appelant // TODO Add a link "Show more..." for all ohter informations. // TODO Use a cahe on user // TODO We can't, we dont' have full path of file, only last_main_doc and ->element, so we must first rebuild full path $destfull // TODO We show localtax from $object, but this properties may not be correct. Only value $object->default_vat_code is guaranted. // TODO mettre dans une classe propre au pays // Tableau des parametres complementaires du post // The entity on the table usergroup_user should be useless and should never be used because it is alreay into gr and r. // This is when PHP session is ran outside a web server, like from Linux command line (Not always defined, but usefull if OS defined it). // This need a lot of time, that's why enabling alternative dir like "custom" dir is not recommanded // Update hourly rate of this time spent entry, but only if it was not set initialy // We choosed to have line->pa_ht always positive in database, so we guess the correct sign // We dont have printers so return blank array // We keep it with value ForceBuyingPriceIfNull = 2 for retroactive effect but results are unpredicable. // We must filter on assignement table // We need to keep the 10 lastest number of invoice doc_ref not the beginning part that is the unusefull almost same part // We use invoice date $data->doc_date not $date_ecriture which is the transfert date // We use invoice date $line->doc_date not $date_ecriture which is the transfert date // add substition variable for ticket // add variables subtitutions ticket // count the orders to ship in theorical stock when some are already removed by invoice validation. // de ceux du produit par defaut (par exemple si pays different entre vendeur et acheteur). // et on met la quantité de la ligne dans la limite du "budget" indiqué par dispatch.qty // if "frequency" is empty or = 0, the reccurence is disabled // mise a jour des reponses utilisateurs dans la base // note: i don't think this is actually neccessary // of the amount and currency retreived from the POST. // on verifie si l'objet est utilisé // only if socid not filled else it's allready done upper // procédure de remplacement de la table pour ajouter la contrainte // save curent cell padding // si le curseur est un booleen on retourne la valeur 0 // this conf is actually hidden, by default we use 10% for "be carefull or warning" //Add hook to filter on user (for exemple on usergroup define in custom modules) //Calcultate new task end date with difference between origin proj end date and origin task end date //Calcultate new task start date with difference between old proj start date and origin task start date //Calcultate new task start date with difference between origin proj start date and origin task start date //Chek special NIF //Origin project strat date //Stock mouvement //We use invoice date $data->doc_date not $date_ecriture which is the transfert date //We use invoice date $line->doc_date not $date_ecriture which is the transfert date //XXX: Should be done just befor commit no ? //but the note is saved, so just add a notification will be enought //if ($user->socid > 0) $socid = $user->socid; // For external user, no check is done on company because readability is managed by public status of project and assignement. //print "connexion de type=".$conf->db->type." sur host=".$conf->db->host." port=".$conf->db->port." user=".$conf->db->user." name=".$conf->db->name; //si le sujet n'est pas celui qui a été effacé alors on concatene //si on voit une erreur, le fond de la case est rouge console.log("Load desciption into text area : "+description); continue; // We discard parametes starting with ? dol_print_error('', get_class($this)."::load_previous_next_ref was called on objet with property table_element not defined"); dol_syslog("Can't remove thirdparty with id ".$id.". There is ".$objectisused." childs", LOG_WARNING); dol_syslog("Failed to read image using Imagick (Try to install package 'apt-get install php-imagick ghostscript' and check there is no policy to disable ".$ext." convertion in /etc/ImageMagick*/policy.xml): ".$e->getMessage(), LOG_WARNING); dol_syslog("Fichier invalide",LOG_WARNING); dol_syslog("RejetPrelevement::_send_email Userid invalide"); dol_syslog('User not found or not valid, connexion refused'); dol_syslog('User not found, connexion refused'); dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::validate action abandonned: already validated", LOG_WARNING); dol_syslog(get_class($this). '::setFrequencyAndUnit was called on objet with params frequency defined but unit not defined', LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this). '::setFrequencyAndUnit was called on objet with property table_element not defined', LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::accept action abandonned: already acceptd", LOG_WARNING); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::add successfull", LOG_DEBUG); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::add_attribute successfull", LOG_DEBUG); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::deleteAttribute successfull", LOG_DEBUG); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::line_order was called on objet with property fk_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::line_order was called on objet with property table_element_line not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::modify successfull", LOG_DEBUG); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::rename successfull", LOG_DEBUG); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setAutoValidate was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setBankAccount was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setContract was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setDocModel was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setFrequencyAndUnit was called on objet with params frequency defined but unit not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setFrequencyAndUnit was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setGeneratePdf was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setMaxPeriod was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setModelPdf was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setNextDate was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setProject was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setShippingMethod was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setVATReverseCharge was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setWarehouse was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::updateAttribute successfull", LOG_DEBUG); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::update_note was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::update_ref_ext was called on objet with property table_element not defined", LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::valid action abandonned: already validated", LOG_WARNING); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::validate action abandonned: already validated", LOG_WARNING); dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::setAutoValidate was called on objet with property table_element not defined', LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::setGeneratePdf was called on objet with property table_element not defined', LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::setMaxPeriod was called on objet with property table_element not defined', LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::setModelPdf was called on objet with property table_element not defined', LOG_ERR); dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::setNextDate was called on objet with property table_element not defined', LOG_ERR); for ($i = 0; $i < $nbseries; $i++) { // Loop on each serie foreach ($criterias as $criteriafamilykey => $criteriafamilyval) { foreach ($legends as $val) { // Loop on each serie header("Location: ".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$id.($backtopage ? '&backtopage='.urlencode($backtopage) : '')); // To avoid pb whith back idata++; //Next data everytime if (!empty($_facrec->frequency)) { // Invoice are created on same thirdparty than template when there is a recurrence, but not necessarly when there is no recurrence. if ($attachs && strpos($action, 'SENTBYMAIL')) { if ($user->hasRight('stock', 'mouvement', 'lire')) { if ($value) { // If we have -1 here, pb is into insert, not into ouptut (fix insert instead of changing code here to compensate) if (empty($objimport->array_import_convertvalue[0][$tmpcode])) { // If source file does not need convertion jQuery("#mouvement").change(function() { preg_match('/\((.+)\)/i', $objp->label, $reg); // Si texte entoure de parenthese on tente recherche de traduction print " - Error cant find payment mode for ".$condpayment."\n"; print "Expedition inexistante ou acces refuse"; print "\n\n"; print ''."\n"; print ''.$langs->trans("TransferStock").''; print ''; // Explicit link, usefull for nojs interfaces print '
'; // You can use div-table-responsive-no-min if you dont need reserved height for your table print __METHOD__." module accouting must be enabled.\n"; exit(-1); return -1; // Alternate souce not found return false; // Sould be 6 return false; // Sould be 6 but can be 123-456 setEventMessage('The element '.$element.' is not supported for uploading file. dir_output is unknow.', 'errors'); throw new Exception('The element '.$element.' is not supported for uploading file. dir_output is unknow.'); throw new RestException(403, 'Forbidden. This parameter cant be read with APIs'); while ($i < $nblot) { // Loop on each serie || empty($fk_price_level) // if fetch an unique level dont erase all already fetched 'align' => 'L', // text alignement : R,C,L * Confirmation envoi mot de passe * Confirmation reinitialisation mot de passe * Exemple from old module builder setup page * For exemple 9, an unexpected error occured $("input[name='price_ht']:first").val(price); // TODO Must use a function like php price to have here a formated value $MAXLENGTHBOX = 60; // Mettre 0 pour pas de limite $_POST["param14"]="Text with ' encoded with the numeric html entity converted into text entity ' (like when submited by CKEditor)"; $action = ''; // Do not show form post if there was at least one successfull sent $action = 'transfert'; $allways = $this->get_all_ways(); // Load array of categories $buyingprice = (GETPOST('buying_price') != '' ? GETPOST('buying_price') : ''); // If buying_price is '0', we muste keep this value $buyingprice = price2num(GETPOST('buying_price') != '' ? GETPOST('buying_price') : ''); // If buying_price is '0', we muste keep this value $canbedeleted = $object->can_be_deleted(); // Renvoi vrai si compte sans mouvements $childs = array(); $couleur = imagecolorallocate($image, $rouge, $vert, $bleu); $date_time = $enveloppe->addChild('DateTime'); $declaration = $enveloppe->addChild('Declaration'); $ensemblereponses = $obj->reponses; $enveloppe = $e->addChild('Envelope'); $enveloppe->addChild('envelopeId', $conf->global->INTRACOMMREPORT_NUM_AGREMENT); $enveloppe->addChild('softwareUsed', 'Dolibarr'); $fils++; $filterabsolutediscount = "fk_facture_source IS NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $filterabsolutediscount = "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $filtercreditnote = "fk_facture_source IS NOT NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $filtercreditnote = "fk_invoice_supplier_source IS NOT NULL"; // If we want deposit to be substracted to payments only and not to total of final invoice $genericcompanyname = $langs->trans('EventParticipant').' '.($emailcompany ? $emailcompany : $email); // Keep this label simple so we can retreive same thirdparty for another event $keyval = substr($nvpstr, $intial, $keypos); $ldap = new Ldap(); // Les parametres sont passes et recuperes via $conf $localobject->date=dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1915); // we use year 1915 to be sure to not have existing invoice for this year (usefull only if numbering is {0000@1} $mail = 'bidon@unvalid.unvalid'; $myclone = clone $object; // PHP clone is a shallow copy only, not a real clone, so properties of references will keep the reference (refering to the same target/variable) $nbofsubproducts = count($prodschild); // This include only first level of childs $object->date_delivery = $date_delivery; // Date delivery planed $object->fields['label']=array(); // Usefull to get only agenda events linked to position (this object doesn't need label of ref field, but show_actions_done() needs it to work correctly) $object->km = price2num(GETPOST('km', 'alpha'), 'MU'); // Not 'int', it may be a formated amount $objet = $this->db->fetch_object($result); $out .= ''; $out .= 'XDebug informations:'."
\n"; $out = str_replace(array(':', ';', '@', "\t", ' '), '', $out); // Can be before the loop because only 1 char is replaced. No risk to retreive it after other replacements. $paht_ret = $paht; $party = $enveloppe->addChild('Party'); $repid = array(); $result = $ldap->add($dn, $info, $user); // Wil fail if already exists $result = dol_delete_file($pathtodelete, 1); // Delete uploded Files $result0bis = price2num($tot_avec_remise / (1 + ($txtva / 100)), 'MT'); // Si TVA consideree normale (non NPR) $result2bis = price2num($tot_avec_remise * (1 + ($txtva / 100)) + $localtaxes[1], 'MT'); // Si TVA consideree normale (non NPR) $result3bis = price2num($pu / (1 + ($txtva / 100)), 'MU'); // Si TVA consideree normale (non NPR) $result5bis = price2num($pu * (1 + ($txtva / 100)) + $localtaxes[2], 'MU'); // Si TVA consideree normale (non NPR) $result6bis = price2num($tot_sans_remise / (1 + ($txtva / 100)), 'MT'); // Si TVA consideree normale (non NPR) $result8bis = price2num($tot_sans_remise * (1 + ($txtva / 100)) + $localtaxes[0], 'MT'); // Si TVA consideree normale (non NPR) $result=dol_basename('adir/afile'); $result=dol_basename('adir/afile/'); $rouge = hexdec(substr($color, 0, 2)); //conversion du canal rouge $serie = array(); $showfield = 1; // By defaut $sql .= " AND (p.last_check_backlink IS NULL OR p.last_check_backlink <= '".$this->db->idate($now - 24 * 3600)."')"; // Never more than 1 check every day to check that website contains a referal link. $sql .= " AND ff.fk_statut IS NULL"; // Renvoi vrai si pas facture de remplacement $sql .= " AND ff.type IS NULL"; // Renvoi vrai si pas facture de remplacement $sql .= " AND mc.statut NOT IN (-1,0)"; // -1 erreur, 0 non envoye, 1 envoye avec succes $sql .= " WHERE u.email != ''"; // u.email IS NOT NULL est implicite dans ce test $sql .= " WHERE u.email <> ''"; // u.email IS NOT NULL est implicite dans ce test $sql .= " tms = tms"; // La date de derniere modif doit changer sauf pour la mise a jour de date de derniere connexion $sql .= ", '".$this->db->escape($url)."'"; // dperecated $sql = "SELECT id_users, nom as name, id_sondage, reponses"; $sql = "SELECT id_users, nom as name, reponses"; $test = '/javas:cript/google.com'; $test=""; // Same $test="Text with ' encoded with the numeric html entity converted into text entity ' (like when submited by CKEditor)"; $this->assertEquals("Text with ' encoded with the numeric html entity converted into text entity ' (like when submited by CKEditor)", $result, 'Test 14'); $this->assertEquals('0125-0002', $result, 'Test for {mm}{yy}-{0000@1} 2st invoice'); // counter must be now 2 $this->assertEquals('1911-0001', $result, 'Test for {yyyy}-{0000@1} 3nd invoice, same day'); // counter must be now 1 $this->assertEquals('1916-0002', $result); // counter must be now 2 (not reseted) $this->assertEquals('192101-0001', $result); // counter must be reseted to 1 $this->assertEquals('
bbbڴ', $decodedstring, 'Function did not sanitize correclty with test 1'); $this->assertEquals('bbbڴ', $decodedstring, 'Function did not sanitize correclty with test 2'); $this->assertEquals('bbbڴ', $decodedstring, 'Function did not sanitize correclty with test 3'); $this->assertEquals('', $decodedstring, 'Function did not sanitize correclty with test 2'); $this->assertEquals('a : b " c \' d ' e é', $decodedstring, 'Function did not sanitize correclty'); $this->assertEquals('a : b " c \' d \' e é', $decodedstring, 'Function did not sanitize correclty'); $this->assertEquals('afile', $result); $this->assertEquals('eée', $decodedstring, 'Function did not sanitize correclty with test 1'); $this->assertEquals('text text', $decodedstring, 'Function did not sanitize correclty with test 4a'); $this->assertEquals('text text', $decodedstring, 'Function did not sanitize correclty with test 4b'); $this->assertTrue($result, 'move of directory with directory whitout rename needed in directory'); $this->assertTrue($result, 'move of directory with file whitout rename needed in directory'); $this->const[$r][2] = "DOL_DATA_ROOT/doctemplates/stocks/mouvements"; $this->const[$r][3] = "Mot de passe Admin des liste mailman"; $this->description = "A tool for developper adding a debug bar in your browser."; $this->description = "Ajout de files d'informations RSS dans les ecrans Dolibarr"; $this->description = "Gestion des projets"; $this->object->address = GETPOST("adresse"); $this->posxdesc = $this->marge_gauche + 1; // For module retrocompatibility support durring PDF transition: TODO remove this at the end $this->posxdesc = $this->marge_gauche + 1; // used for notes ans other stuff $this->rights[$r][1] = 'Exporter les commande fournisseurs, attributs'; $this->rights[$r][1] = 'Exporter les factures fournisseurs, attributs et reglements'; $this->rights[$r][3] = 0; // La permission est-elle une permission par defaut $this->rights[$r][3] = 1; // La permission est-elle une permission par defaut $this->rights[1][1] = 'Lire ses notes de frais et deplacements et celles de sa hierarchy'; $this->rights[1][3] = 1; // La permission est-elle une permission par defaut $this->rights[2][3] = 0; // La permission est-elle une permission par defaut $this->rights[3][1] = 'Lire mouvements de stocks'; $this->rights[4][1] = 'Creer/modifier mouvements de stocks'; $this->rights[4][3] = 0; // La permission est-elle une permission par defaut $this->signature_line = dol_hash($keyforsignature, '5'); // Not really usefull $this->tva_intra = empty($conf->global->MAIN_INFO_TVAINTRA) ? '' : $conf->global->MAIN_INFO_TVAINTRA; // VAT number, not necessarly INTRA. $this->tva_intra = getDolGlobalString('MAIN_INFO_TVAINTRA'); // VAT number, not necessarly INTRA. $valuetoshow = ucfirst($fieldlist[$field]); // Par defaut 'filles' => array('name'=>'filles', 'type'=>'tns:FillesArray') 'fk_statut' =>array('type'=>'smallint(6)', 'label'=>'Status', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'notnull'=>1, 'position'=>1000, 'arrayofkeyval'=>array(0=>'Draft', 1=>'Validated', 2=>'Paid', 3=>'Abandonned')), 'qty_regulated' => array('type'=>'double', 'label'=>'QtyDelta', 'visible'=>1, 'enabled'=>1, 'position'=>34, 'index'=>1, 'help'=>'Qty aadded or removed (filled once movements are validated)'), /* Definition de la date limite */ /* Liste des taches et role sur les projets ou taches */ /* width: ...px; If I use with, there is trouble on size of flex boxes solved with min + (max that is a little bit higer than min) */ /*if (getDolGlobalInt('PRODUCT_USE_OLD_PATH_FOR_PHOTO')) // For backward compatiblity, we scan also old dirs // $boxidactivatedforuser will be array of boxes choosed by user // $options is array with filter criterias // $placeid is the invoice id (it differs from place) and is defined if the place is set and the ref of invoice is '(PROV-POS'.$_SESSION["takeposterminal"].'-'.$place.')', so the fetch at begining of page works. // $this->rights[$r][1] Libelle par defaut si traduction de cle "PermissionXXX" non trouvee (XXX = Id permission) // $this->rights[$r][3] 1=Permis par defaut, 0=Non permis par defaut // 'member' to add a tab in fundation member view // 'member' to add a tab in fundation member view // - If not set, we accept ot have amount defined as parameter (for backward compatibility). // Action according to choosed sending method // Add a where here keeping only the citeria on $tabletouse // Add code to open url using the popup. Add also hidden field to retreive the returned variables // Add infor from $object->xxx where xxx has been loaded by fetch_origin() of shipment // Add the count of record only for the main/first level object. Parents are necessarly unique for each record. // Alow external links to svg ? // Amount keys formated in a currency // Build file for Other Countries with unknow format // Build filter to diplay only concerned lines // By default, electronic transfert from bank to bank // CHANGE THIS: Optionnal // Chargement de labels et data_xxx pour tableau 4 Mouvements // Chargement librairie pour acces fonction controle RIB // Check if field was submited to be edited // Check paramaters // Check that the redirect_uri that wil be used is same than url of current domain // Classif "paid partialy" // Clean paramater $typeofdata // Clear all fields out of interrest // Concatenation des differents codes. // Confirm cancelation // Confirm deleteion // Connexion ldap // Convert MySQL syntax to PostgresSQL syntax // Create with status validated immediatly // Creation de la classe d'import du model Import_XXX // Creation objet // Date delivery planed // Delivery date planed // Dependancies // Don't log Luracast Restler Explorer recources calls // Essai connexion serveur // Event into a serie // Exclude unsubscribed email adresses // Files missings // First, we get the max value (reponse immediate car champ indexe) // For backward compatiblity, we detect file stored into an old path // For each file build select list with PDF extention // For external user, no check is done on company because readability is managed by public status of project and assignement. // For external user, no check is done on company permission because readability is managed by public status of project and assignement. // Forced filter on socid is similar to forced filter on project. TODO Use project assignement to allow to not use filter on project // Github is a service that does not need state to be stored as second paramater of requestAccessToken // Hooks on successfull login // How the date for data are formated (format used bu jsgantt) // How the date for data are formated (format used by dol_print_date) // If lib not found in language file, we get label from cache/databse // If option choosed, we create invoice // If resultset not provided, we take the last used by connexion // If stock increment is done on reception (recommanded choice) // If stock increment is done on sending (recommanded choice) // If value contains the unique code of vat line (new recommanded method), we use it to find npr and local taxes // Initialisation objet actioncomm // Initialise parametres // Insert into bank account directlty (if option choosed for) + link to llx_subscription if option is 'bankdirect' // Keep the orginal // Limite acces si droits non corrects // Links beetween objects are stored in this table // Load extrafields if not allready done // Load extrafiels if not allready does // Log the init of hook but only for hooks thare are declared to be managed // Loop on each line keword was found into file. // Mis a jour contact // More informations // Multiplication de chaque groupe par les coef du tableau // Nettoyage parametres // No check is done on company permission because readability is managed by public status of project and assignement. // Now complete $this->newmenu->list to add entries found into $tabMenu that are childs of mainmenu=$menutopid, using the fk_menu link that is int (old method) // On definit fin de ligne // On recherche les formes juridiques actives des pays actifs // On recherche les groupes // On remplace les eventuelles lettres par des chiffres. // On va boucler sur chaque ligne du document d'origine pour completer objet reception // On verifie signe facture // Only record into stock tables wil be disabled by this (the rest like writing into lot table or movement of subproucts are done) // Option to reload page to retrieve customer informations. // Ordre SQL ne necessitant pas de connexion a une base (exemple: CREATE DATABASE) // Ouput page under the Dolibarr top menu // Permet de commencer l'impression de l'etiquette desiree dans le cas ou la page a deja servie // Permettre l'exclusion de groupes // Permettre l'inclusion de groupes // Positionne parametres // Positionning // Refresh / Reload web site (for non javascript browers) // Remove '<' into remainging, so remove non closing html tags like '1, "s.nom"=>2); // Mut be fields found into declaration of dataset //$signature_line = dol_hash($keyforsignature, '5'); // Not really usefull //Add hook to filter on user (for exemple on usergroup define in custom modules) //If dispach process running we add the number of item to dispatch into the head //If invoice has been converted and the conversion has been used, we dont have remain to pay on invoice //If no task avaiblable, redirec to to add confirm //In some case $object is not instanciate (for paiement on custom object) We need to deal with payment //Iterate over each expression splitted by $separator_chr //Label mouvement //Lot/serie Product //We should use dol_now function not time however this is wrong date to transfert in accounting //check if tag type submited exists into Tag Map categorie class //decoding the respose //fetch informations needs on this mode //http_response_code(500); // If we use 500, message is not ouput with some command line tools //postion of Key //prevents agains infinite loop when we can't create root folder //print "L'EAN se compose de 8 caracteres, 7 chiffres plus une cle de controle.
"; //print $rouge.$vert.$bleu; //sinon on remplace les choix de l'utilisateur par une ligne de checkbox pour recuperer de nouvelles valeurs //sinon on remplace les choix de l'utilisateur par une ligne de checkbox pour saisie //var_dump($serie); console.log("Cancel check_events() with dolnotif_nb_test_for_page="+dolnotif_nb_test_for_page+". Check is useless because javascript Notification.permission is "+Notification.permission+" (blocked manualy or web site is not https)."); console.log("Change montly amount echeance="+echeance+" idcap="+idcap+" capital="+capital); dol_syslog("The user login has a validity between [".$user->datestartvalidity." and ".$user->dateendvalidity."], curren date is ".dol_now()); dol_syslog("Warning: Function form_constantes is calle with parameter strictw3c = 0, this is deprecated. Value must be 2 now.", LOG_DEBUG); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::getCustomerAccount Try to find the first system customer id for ".$site." of thirdparty id=".$id." (exemple: cus_.... for stripe)", LOG_DEBUG); dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setCategoriesCommon Oject Id:".$this->id.' type_categ:'.$type_categ.' nb tag add:'.count($categories), LOG_DEBUG); foreach ($allways as $way) { foreach ($arrayofcriterias as $criterias) { foreach ($parent as $key => $value) { // key=label, value is array of childs header("Location: ".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$id); // To avoid pb whith back http_response_code(202); // If we use 202, this is not really an error message, but this allow to ouput message on command line tools if (!$login || (in_array('ldap', $authmode) && empty($passwordtotest))) { // With LDAP we refused empty password because some LDAP are "opened" for anonymous access so connexion is a success. if (!empty($this->phone)) { // If a phone of thirdparty is defined, we add it ot mobile of contacts if (!is_array($this->userassigned) && !empty($this->userassigned)) { // For backward compatibility when userassigned was an int instead fo array if ($lines[$i]->fk_parent == $parent || $level < 0) { // if $level = -1, we dont' use sublevel recursion, we show all lines if ($lines[$i]->fk_task_parent == $parent || $level < 0) { // if $level = -1, we dont' use sublevel recursion, we show all lines if ($user->hasRight('stock', 'mouvement', 'creer')) { if (GETPOST('import_name')) { // If we have submited a form, we take value used fot the update try if (dol_strlen($phone) == 10) {// fixe 6 chiffres +352_AA_BB_CC if (empty($conf->global->PDF_BANK_HIDE_NUMBER_SHOW_ONLY_BICIBAN)) { // Note that some countries still need bank number, BIC/IBAN not enougth for them if (empty($res)) $this->db->query('INSERT INTO '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_type_contact(rowid, element, source, code, libelle, active, module, position) VALUES('.((int) $nextid).', "StockTransfer", "external", "STDEST", "Contact destinataire transfert de stocks", 1, NULL, 0)'); if (empty($res)) $this->db->query('INSERT INTO '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_type_contact(rowid, element, source, code, libelle, active, module, position) VALUES('.((int) $nextid).', "StockTransfer", "external", "STFROM", "Contact expéditeur transfert de stocks", 1, NULL, 0)'); if (empty($res)) $this->db->query('INSERT INTO '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_type_contact(rowid, element, source, code, libelle, active, module, position) VALUES('.((int) $nextid).', "StockTransfer", "internal", "STRESP", "Responsable du transfert de stocks", 1, NULL, 0)'); if (empty($tabtp[$obj->rowid]) && !empty($tabmoreinfo[$obj->rowid]['withdraw'])) { // If we dont find 'company' link because it is an old 'withdraw' record if (getDolGlobalInt('PRODUCT_USE_OLD_PATH_FOR_PHOTO')) { // For backward compatiblity, we scan also old dirs jQuery("#tva_tx").click(function() { /* somtimes field is a text, sometimes a combo */ jQuery("#tva_tx").keyup(function() { /* somtimes field is a text, sometimes a combo */ preg_match('/\((.+)\)/i', $objp->label, $reg); // Si texte entoure de parenthese on tente recherche de traduction print "(currenlty not available)"; print "Expedition inexistante ou acces refuse"; print $form->selectyesno('assujtva_value', GETPOSTISSET('assujtva_value') ?GETPOST('assujtva_value', 'int') : 1, 1); // Assujeti par defaut en creation print $langs->trans("SFTP (FTP as a subsytem of SSH)").': '.yn($conf->global->FTP_CONNECT_WITH_SFTP).'
'; print '
'; // You can use div-table-responsive-no-min if you dont need reserved height for your table print '
'; // You can use div-table-responsive-no-min if you dont need reserved height for your table print '
'; // You can use div-table-responsive-no-min if you dont need reserved height for your table print '%'; print '
'.$langs->trans("Time").' '.$j.'
'."\n"; print ''."\n"; print 'This website or feature is currently temporarly not available or failed after a technical error.

This may be due to a maintenance operation. Current status of operation ('.dol_print_date(dol_now(), 'dayhourrfc').') are on next line...

'."\n"; return $childs; return $objet->compteur; unset($object->supplierprices); // Mut use another API to get them while ($i < $nblot) { // Loop on each serie } else // We decrease agressiveness } else { // If thirdparty unkown, output the waiting account } else { // old method. deprecated because ot can't retrieve type } elseif (!empty($this->childtables)) { // If object has childs linked with a foreign key field, we check all child tables. } elseif (!empty($this->fk_element) && !empty($this->childtables)) { // If object has childs linked with a foreign key field, we check all child tables. } elseif (dol_strlen($phone) == 11) {// fixe 7 chiffres +352_AA_BB_CC_D } elseif (dol_strlen($phone) == 12) {// fixe 8 chiffres +352_AA_BB_CC_DD echo Only one line remainging into file $fic, we delete it; // TODO Check the lineid $lineid is a line of ojbect * fullname = nom avec chemin complet du user * fullpath = chemin complet compose des id: "_grandparentid_parentid_id" * @param DoliDB $db Handler acces base * @param Societe $soc Objet societe * Functiun to exlude (set adherent.status to -2) a member * Renvoi si un code est pris ou non (par autre tiers) * @param mixed $gm 'gmt'=Input informations are GMT values, 'tzserver'=Local to server TZ * 'Fiche LDAP' qui affiche champ lisibles par defaut. * (Status validated or abandonned for a reason 'other') + not payed + no payment at all + not already replaced * (validated + payment on process) or classified (payed completely or payed partiely) + not already replaced + not already a credit note * @param User $user Handler du user connecte * @param User $user Objet user that make creation * @param int $info_bits Miscellaneous informations * @param int $closepaidinvoices 1=Also close payed invoices to paid, 0=Do nothing more * @param int $closepaidcontrib 1=Also close payed contributions to paid, 0=Do nothing more * @param integer $alreadypaid 0=No payment already done, >0=Some payments were already done (we recommand to put here amount payed if you have it, -1 otherwise) * @param string $pass Mot de passe * @param Adherent $object Member object. Old usage: Array of record informations (array('textleft'=>,'textheader'=>, ...'id'=>,'photo'=>) * @param DoliDB $db Handler acces base * @param DoliDB $db Handler acces base de donnees * @param DoliDB $db Handler acces data base * @param Product $product Objet product * @param Societe $thirdparty Objet third-party * @param Translate $outputlangs Objet langs * @param Translate $outputlangs Objet langs * @param Translate $outputlangs Objet langs * @param Translate $outputlangs objet lang a utiliser pour traduction * @param User $user Objet user that modify * @param User $user Objet user that create * @param User $user Objet user that modify * @param User $user Objet user making update * @param User $user Objet user qui valide * @param User $user Objet user qui demande la creation * @param array $arrayofrecords Array of record informations (array('textleft'=>,'textheader'=>, ..., 'id'=>,'photo'=>) * @param array $extra_values Any aditional values for expression * @param array $extra_values Any aditional values for expression * @param int $socid Id ot third party or 0 for all or -1 for empty list * @param int $id Id du paiement dont il faut afficher les infos * @param mixed $gm 'gmt'=Input informations are GMT values, 'tzserver'=Local to server TZ * @param string $method method of transmision to bank * @param string $method method of transmision to bank (0=Internet, 1=Api...) * @param string $dolibarr_main_db_pass Mot de passe user a creer * @param string $field_desc Tableau associatif de description du champ a inserer[nom du parametre][valeur du parametre] * @param string $resko resultat si test non egal * @param string $resok resultat si test egal * @param User $user Objet user * @param User $user Objet user making change * @param User $user Objet user that modify * @param User $user Objet utilisateur qui modifie * @param User $user Objet utilisateur qui modifie * @param int $info_bits Miscellaneous informations * @param string $get_params Parametres added to url * @param string $get_params Parametres added to url * @param int $idremise Id de la remise fixe * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut * @param string $close_code Code indicates whether the class has paid in full while payment is incomplete. Not implementd yet. * @param string $close_code Code renseigne si on classe a payee completement alors que paiement incomplet (cas escompte par exemple) * @param string $close_note Comment informs if the class has been paid while payment is incomplete. Not implementd yet. * @param string $close_note Commentaire renseigne si on classe a payee alors que paiement incomplet (cas escompte par exemple) * @return array Tableau info des attributs * @return int < 0 if KO (infinit loop), >= 0 if OK * @return array Tableau des informations des champs de la table * @return string Error code (Exemples: DB_ERROR_TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS...) * @return int 0 en cas de succes * @return boolean false if conflit, true if ok * Charge indicateurs this->nb de tableau de bord * Charge indicateurs this->nb pour le tableau de bord * Charge les informations d'ordre info dans l'objet commande * Charge les informations d'ordre info dans l'objet facture * Connexion to server * Define properties fullpath, fullrelativename, fulllabel of a directory of array this->cats and all its childs. * For category id_categ and its childs available in this->cats, define property fullpath and fulllabel. * For user id_user and its childs available in this->users, define property fullpath and fullname. * Function to build PDF on disk, then output on HTTP strem. * Informations of vat payment object * Init array $this->hooks with instantiated action controlers. * Initialise tableau info (tableau des attributs LDAP) * Les parametres sont deja cense etre juste et avec valeurs finales a l'appel * Libere le dernier resultset utilise sur cette connexion * Renvoie la description par defaut du modele de numerotation * Renvoie un exemple de numerotation * Retourne chaine DN complete dans l'annuaire LDAP pour l'objet * Return HTML to show the search and clear seach button * Return array of log objects (with criterias) * Set withdrawal to transmited status * TODO Remplacer les appels a cette fonction par generation objet Ligne * TODO Replace calls to this function by generation objet Ligne * This create an opened connexion to a database server and eventually to a database * Upate ProductFournisseur * Update the link betwen localtax payment and the line into llx_bank * car conflit majuscule-minuscule. A n'utiliser que pour les pages * get available output_modes for tcpdf class wth its translated description * mise en forme du nom complet * mise en forme du nom formate * Les parametres sont deja cense etre juste et avec valeurs finales a l'appel * @param Product $product contain informations to update * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut (not working with ajax_autocompleter) * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut * @param int $info_bits Miscellaneous informations * @param User $user Objet user that close * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut (not working with ajax_autocompleter) * @return resource|int 1 if cancelation is ok or transaction not open, 0 if error * Charge les informations d'ordre info dans l'objet entrepot * Class line Contructor * Load the array of extrafields defintion $this->attributes * Renvoi la description par defaut du modele de numerotation * Return list of all child users id in herarchy (all sublevels). * Total of the VAT payed * VAT payed * set no_email attribut to 1 or 0 * For exemple jean;joe;jim%%;!jimo;!jima%> will target all jean, joe, start with jim but not jimo and not everythnig taht start by jima * Si (vendeur et acheteur dans Communaute europeenne) et bien vendu = moyen de transports neuf (auto, bateau, avion), TVA par defaut=0 (La TVA doit etre paye par l'acheteur au centre d'impots de son pays et non au vendeur). Fin de regle. * Si le (pays vendeur = pays acheteur) alors la TVA par defaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de regle. * Sinon la TVA proposee par defaut=0. Fin de regle. * Si vendeur non assujeti a TVA, TVA par defaut=0. Fin de regle. * - string (categories ids seprated by comma) * - string (categories ids seprated by comma) * All types can also return some values into an array ->results that will be finaly merged into this->resArray for caller. * Si (vendeur et acheteur dans Communaute europeenne) et bien vendu = moyen de transports neuf (auto, bateau, avion), TVA par defaut=0 (La TVA doit etre paye par l'acheteur au centre d'impots de son pays et non au vendeur). Fin de regle. * Si le (pays vendeur = pays acheteur) alors la TVA par defaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de regle. * Si vendeur non assujeti a TVA, TVA par defaut=0. Fin de regle. * Sinon la TVA proposee par defaut=0. Fin de regle. * fulllabel = nom avec chemin complet de la categorie * fullpath = chemin complet compose des id * @param User $user Objet user * @param User $user Objet user * @param User $user Objet user * @param User $user Objet user * @param User $user Objet user making change * @param User $user Objet user * @param User $user Objet user * @param string $vatrate VAT rate (may contain the vat code too). Exemple: '1.23', '1.23 (ABC)', ... * Build the conditionnal string from filter the query * Charge indicateurs this->nb de tableau de bord * Charge indicateurs this->nb pour le tableau de bord * Update informations into database * @param string $page Url of page to call if confirmation is OK. Can contains parameters (param 'action' and 'confirm' will be reformated) * $this->code_client = -1 and $this->code_fournisseur = -1 means automatic assignement. * @param DoliDB $db Handler acces base de donnees * @param int $mode 0=Close solved, 1=Close abandonned * @param int $isencrypted 0 ou 1 si il faut crypter le mot de passe en base (0 par defaut) * @param int $socid Id third pary * @param DoliDB $db Handler acces base de donnees * @param int $id id du paiement dont il faut afficher les infos * @return integer erreur <0, si ok renvoi le nbre de droits par defaut positionnes * Connexion to server * Constructor de la classe * Note: To complete search with a particular filter on select, you can set $object->next_prev_filter set to define SQL criterias. * Remove tag payed on TVA * Remove tag payed on social contribution * Renvoi si un compte peut etre supprimer ou non (sans mouvements) * Retourne la liste deroulante des differents etats d'une note de frais. * Retourne la liste deroulante des formes juridiques tous pays confondus ou pour un pays donne. * Return HTML to show the search and clear seach button * Return combo list of differents status of a proposal * Return incoterms informations * Return incoterms informations for pdf display * Return list of categories having choosed type * Tag TVA as payed completely * Tag social contribution as payed completely * @param Conf $conf Objet conf * @param Translate $langs Objet lang * @param User $user Objet user * @param object $object Objet concerned. Some context information may also be provided into array property object->context. * Charge indicateurs this->nb de tableau de bord * Retourne la liste deroulante des regions actives dont le pays est actif * 'foreignkey'=>'tablename.field' if the field is a foreign key (it is recommanded to name the field fk_...). * @param Translate $outputlangs objet lang a utiliser pour traduction * @param User $user Objet user that make creation * @param int $disablestockchangeforsubproduct Disable stock change for sub-products of kit (usefull only if product is a subproduct) * @param string $criteria Use %% as magic caracters. For exemple to find all item like jean, joe, jim, you can input j%%, you can also use ; as separator for value, * @param string $filter SQL filter on users. This parameter must not come from user intput. * @param string $pass Mot de passe * @param int $disablecrop Disable crop feature on images (-1 = auto, prefer to set it explicitely to 0 or 1) * @param int $disablecrop Disable crop feature on images (-1 = auto, prefer to set it explicitely to 0 or 1) * @param DoliDB $db Handler acces base * @param Product $product Objet product * @param Translate $outputlangs Objet lang to use for translation * @param Translate $outputlangs objet lang a utiliser pour traduction * @param User $user Objet user that update * @param User $user Objet User who activate contract * @param User $user Objet User who close contract * @param User $user Objet user qui valide * @param User $user Objet user doing creation * @param User $user Objet du user qui cree * @param array $excludelinksto Do not show links of this type, for exemple array('order') or array('supplier_order'). null or array() if no exclusion. * @param array $restrictlinksto Restrict links to some elements, for exemple array('order') or array('supplier_order'). null or array() if no restriction. * @param array $arrayofrecords Array of record informations (array('textleft'=>,'textheader'=>, ..., 'id'=>,'photo'=>) * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut * @param float $curY curent Y position * @param float $curY curent Y position * @param int $fk_product_stock id product_stock for objet * @param int $fk_product_stock id product_stock for objet * @param int $fk_socpeople Id of thirdparty contact (if source = 'external') or id of user (if souce = 'internal') to link * @param int $idprof 1,2,3,4 (Exemple: 1=siren,2=siret,3=naf,4=rcs/rm) * @param int $lowmemorydump 1=Use the low memory method. If $lowmemorydump is set, it means we want to make the compression using an external pipe instead retreiving the content of the dump in PHP memory array $output_arr and then print it into the PHP pipe open with xopen(). * @param int $maxlength Max number of charaters into label. If negative, use the ref as label. * @param int $no_email 1=Do not send mailing, 0=Ok to recieve mailling * @param int $socid Id ot third party or 0 for all * @param int $categorie Category id (optionnal) * @param string $list Visibilty ('0'=never visible, '1'=visible on list+forms, '2'=list only, '3'=form only or 'eval string') * @param string $list Visibily * @param string $elemtype Type of element we show ('category', ...). Will execute a formating function on it. To use in readonly mode if js component support HTML formatting. * @param string $label Descripton * @param string $modele force le modele a utiliser ('' par defaut) * @param string $table Nmae of table filter ('xxx%') * @param string $errors_to erros to * @param string $list Visiblity * @param string $resko resultat si test non egal * @param string $resok resultat si test egal * @param string $selected Id remise fixe pre-selectionnee * @param User $user Objet utilisateur qui met a jour le don * @param User $user Objet du user qui cree * @param User $user Objet user * @param array $params array of additionals parameters * @param int $info_bits Miscellaneous informations on line * @param int $socid Id third pary * @param Translate $outputlangs objet lang a utiliser pour traduction * @param User $excluser Objet user to exclude * @param int $showcode 1=Add language code into label at begining, 2=Add language code into label at end * @param integer $alreadypaid 0=No payment already done, >0=Some payments were already done (we recommand to put here amount payed if you have it, 1 otherwise) * @param int $fk_cat Category of the vehicule used * @param DoliDB $db Handler acces base de donnees * @param Object $object Objet livraison * @param Societe $soc Objet societe * @param array $tabMenu Array to store new entries found (in most cases, it's empty, but may be alreay filled) * @param array $extra_values Any aditional values for expression * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut * @param double $alreadypaid 0=No payment already done, >0=Some payments were already done (we recommand to put here amount paid if you have it, 1 otherwise) * @param double $alreadypaid 0=No payment already done, >0=Some payments were already done (we recommand to put here amount payed if you have it, 1 otherwise) * @param int $closepaidinvoices 1=Also close payed invoices to paid, 0=Do nothing more * @param integer $alreadypaid 0=No payment already done, >0=Some payments were already done (we recommand to put here amount paid if you have it, 1 otherwise) * @param integer $searchalt Search also alernate language file * @param string $filter Optionnal filters criteras (example: 's.rowid <> x') * @param array $params array of additionals parameters * @param int $showform Show form tags and submit button (recommanded is to use with value 0) * @return string chaine formate SQL * @return bool True if disconnect successfull, false otherwise * @return boolean True if disconnect successfull, false otherwise * @return array array('opened'=>Amount including tax that remains to pay, 'total_ht'=>Total amount without tax of all objects paid or not, 'total_ttc'=>Total amunt including tax of all object paid or not) * @return string If OK return clear password, 0 if no change (warning, you may retreive 1 instead of 0 even if password was same), < 0 if error * Charge dans l'objet group, la liste des permissions auquels le groupe a droit * Charge les informations d'ordre info dans l'objet commande * Charge les informations d'ordre info dans l'objet contrat * Charge les informations d'ordre info dans l'objet facture * Charge les informations sur le contact, depuis la base * Charge un objet group avec toutes ses caracteristiques (except ->members array) * Clean fields (triming) * Close database connexion * Create a document onto disk accordign to template module. * Delete object in database. If fk_facture_source is defined, we delete all familiy with same fk_facture_source. If not, only with id is removed * Deplace fichier uploade sous le nom $file dans le repertoire sdir * Fonction appelee lors d'une nouvelle connexion * Fonction qui dit si cet utilisateur est un redacteur existant dans spip * Function to build PDF on disk, then output on HTTP strem. * Les parametres sont deja cense etre juste et avec valeurs finales a l'appel * Mise a jour de l'objet ligne de commande en base * Mise a jour en base de la date de derniere connexion d'un utilisateur * On compare juste manuellement si la database choisie est bien celle activee par la connexion * Renvoi la description par defaut du modele de numerotation * Renvoi si un code est pris ou non (par autre tiers) * Renvoi si un code respecte la syntaxe * Retourne la version traduite du texte passe en parametre complete du code pays * Retrieve informations about internal contacts * Return a HTML link to the user card (with optionaly the picto) * Return a link (with optionaly the picto) * Return a link to the a lot card (with optionaly the picto) * Return a link to the object card (with optionaly the picto) * Return a link to the object card (with optionaly the picto). * Return a link to the user card (with optionaly the picto) * Return an array formated for showing graphs * Return childs of product $id * Return clickable link of login (eventualy with picto) * Return combo list of differents status of a orders * Returns if a profid sould be verified to be unique * Show 2 HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes. * Show a HTML widget to input a date or combo list for day, month, years and optionaly hours and minutes. * Show top header of page. This include the logo, ref and address blocs * This create an opened connexion to a database server and eventually to a database * WARNING: This method change temporarly context $conf->entity to be in correct context for each recurring invoice found. * When initHooks function is called, with initHooks(list_of_contexts), an array $this->hooks is defined with instance of controler * \brief Compute the cost of the kilometers expense based on the number of kilometers and the vehicule category * or partialy (if close_code filled) + appel trigger BILL_PAYED => this->fk_statut=2, this->paye stay 0 * pour l'instant on ne definit pas les unites dans la base * $this->${field} should be a clean and string value (so date are formated for SQL insert). * (validated + payment on process) or classified (paid completely or paid partialy) + not already replaced + not already a credit note * - $_aryEmail[org] = orignal string * - 'sockets' [0] - conect via network to SMTP server * - 'sockets' [0] - conect via network to SMTP server - default * - La semaine 1 de toute annee est celle qui contient le 4 janvier ou que la semaine 1 de toute annee est celle qui contient le 1er jeudi de janvier. * - Then data_xxx.sql (usualy provided by external modules only) * - Then update_xxx.sql (usualy provided by external modules only) * @deprecated yes this setTypeFromTypeString came deprecated because it exists only for manage setup convertion * @param int $info_bits Miscellaneous informations of line * @param Societe $objsoc Objet societe * @param User $user Objet user * @param User $user Objet User * @param User $user Objet user * @param array $arrayofcriterias Array of available search criterias. Example: array($object->element => $object->fields, 'otherfamily' => otherarrayoffields, ...) * @param array $search_component_params Array of selected search criterias * @param bool $gm 1=Input informations are GMT values, otherwise local to server TZ * @param int $disabledoutputofmessages Clear all messages stored into session without diplaying them * @param int $lineid Id of production line to filter childs * @param int $noescapecommand 1=Do not escape command. Warning: Using this parameter needs you alreay have sanitized the $command parameter. If not, it will lead to security vulnerability. * @param int $showpointvalue 1=Show value for each point, as tooltip or inline (default), 0=Hide value, 2=Show values for each serie on same point * @param int $update_main_doc_field Update field main_doc fied into the table of object. * @param integer $mode 0=Use path to find record, 1=Use src_object_xxx fields (Mode 1 is recommanded for new objects) * @param integer $selected defaut selected * @param string $search_component_params_hidden String with $search_component_params criterias * @param string $sortorder Sort order, separated by comma. Example: 'ASC,DESC'. Note: If the quantity fo sortorder values is lower than sortfield, we used the last value for missing values. * @param string $editvalue When in edit mode, use this value as $value instead of value (for example, you can provide here a formated price instead of numeric value). Use '' to use same than $value * @param string $filter additionnal filter on project (statut, ref, ...) * @param string $images_dir Location of where to store physicaly images files. For example $dolibarr_main_data_root.'/medias' * @param Contact $contact Contact Obejct * @param Object $objecttmp Object to knwo the table to scan for combo. * @param User $user User wich display * @param array $type Array with type for each serie. Example: array('type1', 'type2', ...) where type can be: * @param array $excludelinksto Do not show links of this type, for exemple array('order') or array('supplier_order'). null or array() if no exclusion. * @param array $restrictlinksto Restrict links to some elements, for exemple array('order') or array('supplier_order'). null or array() if no restriction. * @param array $arrayofcriterias Array of available search criterias. Example: array($object->element => $object->fields, 'otherfamily' => otherarrayoffields, ...) * @param array $search_component_params Array of selected search criterias * @param int $no_email 1=Do not send mailing, 0=Ok to recieve mailling * @param object $line_ext Objet with full information of line. $line_ext->detail_batch must be an array of ExpeditionLineBatch * @param string $uploaded_file Uploade file * @param string $label Label (Example: 'Leave', 'Manual update', 'Leave request cancelation'...) * @param string $uploaded_file Uploade file * @param string $head Optionnal head lines * @param string $elemtype Type of element we show ('category', ...). Will execute a formating function on it. To use in readonly mode if js component support HTML formatting. * @param string $type_categ Category type ('customer', 'supplier', 'website_page', ...) definied into const class Categorie type * @param string $search_component_params_hidden String with $search_component_params criterias * @param User $user Objet User who close contract * @param int $rowid Id of third party to load (Use 0 to get a specimen record, use null to use other search criterias) * @param string $dolibarr_main_db_pass Mot de passe user a creer * @param string $field_desc Tableau associatif de description du champ a inserer[nom du parametre][valeur du parametre] * @param Facture $invoice Objet facture * @param User $user Objet User who activate contract * @param array $info content informations of field * @param boolean $confirmnow false=default, true=try to confirm immediatly after create (if conditions are ok) * @param double $alreadypaid 0=No payment already done, >0=Some payments were already done (we recommand to put here amount payed if you have it, 1 otherwise) * @param int $fk_socpeople Id of thirdparty contact (if source = 'external') or id of user (if souce = 'internal') to link * @param int $default_font_size default siez of font * @param int $id id du paiement dont il faut afficher les infos * @param string $alias String of alias of table for fields. For example 't'. It is recommended to use '' and set alias into fields defintion. * @param string $alias String of alias of table for fields. For example 't'. It is recommended to use '' and set alias into fields defintion. * @param string $ref Reference of object (This will define subdir automatically and store submited file into it) * @param string $resko resultat si test non egal * @param string $resok resultat si test egal * @param int $disablestockchangeforsubproduct Disable stock change for sub-products of kit (usefull only if product is a subproduct) * @param int $disablestockchangeforsubproduct Disable stock change for sub-products of kit (usefull only if product is a subproduct) * @param int $nbmax Number maxium of photos (0=no maximum) * @param int $id Id of product to search childs of * @param string $extrafieldsobjectkey The key to use to store retreived data (for example $object->table_element) * @param string $moreparam To add more parametes on html input tag * @param string $moreparam To add more parametes on html input tag * @param Object $objecttmp Object to knwo the table to scan for combo. * @param Translate $outputlangs objet lang a utiliser pour traduction * @param array $dict Array of dictionnary for translation * @param array $array_receiver Array of receiver. exemple array('name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => 'john@doe.com', etc...) * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut (not working with ajax_autocompleter) * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut * @param bool $multiple add [] in the name of element and add 'multiple' attribut (not working with ajax_autocompleter) * @param int $mode O for create, R for regenerate (Look always 0 ment toujours 0 within the framework of XML exchanges according to documentation) * @param int $socid Id ot third party or 0 for all or -1 for empty list * @param int $socid Id ot third party or 0 for all * @param int $i Rank from which we want to create skilldets (level $i to HRM_MAXRANK wil be created) * @param int $month Specifig month - Can be empty * @param int $year Specifig year - Can be empty * @param int $_type Interger value representing Mail Transport Type * @param string $str Original string to encode and optionaly truncate * @param string $page Url of page to call if confirmation is OK. Can contains parameters (param 'action' and 'confirm' will be reformated) * @param string $editvalue When in edit mode, use this value as $value instead of value (for example, you can provide here a formated price instead of numeric value, or a select combo). Use '' to use same than $value * @param string $output_format (html/opton (for option html only)/array (to return options arrays * @param string $page Page name (website id must also be filled if this parameter is used). Exemple 'myaliaspage' or 'fr/myaliaspage' * @param string $_path Path to the sendmail execuable * @param string $key Authentification key * @param string $selected Id remise fixe pre-selectionnee * @return string Id connexion * @return int 1 if transaction successfuly opened or already opened, 0 if error * @return string Formated value * @return string Error code (Exemples: DB_ERROR_TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS...) * @return float|string Total amout of discount * @return int <0 if KO, number of equipments found if OK * @return string Javacript code to manage dependency * @return string Error code (Exemples: DB_ERROR_TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS...) * @return array Array with inforation on table * @return boolean True if disconnect successfull, false otherwise * @return int 1 if transaction successfuly opened or already opened, 0 if error * @return int 1 if transaction successfuly opened or already opened, 0 if error * @return int 1 if cancelation ok or transaction not open, 0 if error * @return string Id connexion * @return array Aray of resources * @return boolean True if mandatory_period setted to 1 * @return int Minimum recommanded price that is higher price among all suppliers * PRODUCT_MINIMUM_RECOMMENDED_PRICE * @return string Customer ref formated * @return string Supplier ref formated * @var array Childs * @var array Contents informations. Usually created at runtime by loadBox(). * @var array Custom family informations * @var array Header informations. Usually created at runtime by loadBox(). * @var array box dependancies * @var int Date for cancelation * @var int ID for cancelation * @var int -1=Unkown duration * @var int Amount can be choosen by the visitor during subscription (0 or 1) * @var int Code modifiable si il est invalide * @var int Subsription required (0 or 1) * @var integer|string Date delivery planed * @var string The name of constant to use to scan ODT files (Exemple: 'COMMANDE_ADDON_PDF_ODT_PATH') * @var string Hash to identify ticket publically * @var string ref custome * Active Directory ne supporte pas les connexions anonymes * Attention ce module est utilise par defaut si aucun module n'a * Boundary String for MIME seperation * CAN BE A CRON TASK. In such a case, paramerts come from the schedule job setup field 'Parameters' * Charge indicateurs this->nb pour le tableau de bord * Close database connexion * Connexion to server * Constructes and returns message header * Correct an uncomplete html string * Creditor Identifier CI. Some banks use different ICS for direct debit and bank tranfer * Criterias used to build request are defined into the constructor of parent class into xxx/class/xxxstats.class.php * DN des groupes * Dont add LIMIT to your query, it will be added by this method * Empty function to prevent errors on call of this function must be overload if usefull * Exemple of POST query : * Exemple: { "socid": 2, "date": 1595196000, "type": 0, "lines": [{ "fk_product": 2, "qty": 1 }] } * Flag to 1 if we must clean ambiguous charaters for the autogeneration of password (List of ambiguous char is in $this->Ambi) * Function to know all custom groupd from an accounting account * Function used to return childs of Mo * If paid completelly, this->close_code will be null * Inserts all informations into database. * Libere le dernier resultset utilise sur cette connexion * Load all informations of accountancy document * Method exists only for manage setup convertion * Method used to test module builder convertion to this form usage * Method was used to test module builder convertion to this form usage. * Mot de passe de l'administrateur * Multi-diminsional array containg addresses the message will * Note: To complete search with a particular filter on select, you can set $object->next_prev_filter set to define SQL criterias. * Optionaly with $selected_warehouse_id parameter user can get stock of specific warehouse * Parse criteria to return a SQL qury formated * Path to the sendmail execuable * Permet le chargement d'une fonction personnalisee dans le moteur de base de donnees. * Put in array _translatedFiles[$file], line of a new tranlated pair * Recommanded solution is to recreate a new payment intent each time we need one (old one will be automatically closed after a delay), * Renvoi la description par defaut du modele de numerotation * Retrieve informations about external contacts * Retrieve informations about internal contacts * Retrieve number of equipments for a product lot/serial * Return Unix time from ical date time fomrat (YYYYMMDD[T]HHMMSS[Z] or YYYYMMDD[T]HHMMSS) * Return an array with Agenda Events informations * Return an array with Currency informations * Return an array with Expense Report informations * Return an array with MO informations * Return an array with bom informations * Return an array with candidature informations * Return an array with category informations * Return an array with commercial proposal informations * Return an array with contact informations * Return an array with contract informations * Return an array with donation informations * Return an array with group informations * Return an array with hook informations * Return an array with invoice informations * Return an array with jobposition informations * Return an array with knowledgerecord informations * Return an array with member informations * Return an array with member type informations * Return an array with myobject informations * Return an array with order informations * Return an array with partnership informations * Return an array with project informations * Return an array with proposal informations * Return an array with reception informations * Return an array with shipment informations * Return an array with stock movement informations * Return an array with subscription informations * Return an array with supplier proposal informations * Return an array with task informations * Return an array with thirdparty informations * Return an array with ticket informations * Return an array with warehouse informations * Return and array with all instanciated first level children users of current user * Return connexion ID * Return direct childs id of a category into an array * Return list of auxilary accounts. Cumulate list from customers, suppliers and users. * Return list of product formated for output * Return the addtional SQL JOIN query for filtering a list by a category * Return the addtional SQL SELECT query for filtering a list by a category * Return verion of data file * Returns the partial diff for the specificed sequences, in reverse order. * Serivce expiration unit * The string return is not formated (translated with transnoentitiesnoconv). * This can be changed for 2byte characers sets * This method takes a list of given addresses, via an array or a COMMA delimted string, and inserts them into a highly * Udpate the percent value of a event with the given id * Unsuscribe all : 1 = contact has globaly unsubscribe of all mass emailings * and restore it into another database with different id wihtout comprimising checksums * be carefull with this method use it only with some limit of results to avoid performences loss. * build RECIPIENT List, all addresses who will recieve this message * ete definit dans la configuration * or a COMMA delimted string, and inserts them into a highly * reload conf value from databases is an aliase of loadValueFromConf * statique et publique. Le nombre de parametres est determine automatiquement. * the tagret is useful with hooks : that allow externals modules to add setup items on good place * the underlaying array is destroyed and reconstructed. * to define the UNIX file system path to the sendmail execuable If an error occured, show the resulting errors # ---------------------------- mot de passe admin mysql # Add cach performance directives # Log directoves # Log directoves $IBS_RETOUR = "montant:M;ref:R;auto:A;trans:T"; // Format des parametres du get de validation en reponse (url a definir sous paybox) $alwaysuncheckedmodules = array('dav', 'dynamicprices', 'incoterm', 'loan', 'multicurrency', 'paybox', 'paypal', 'stripe', 'google', 'printing', 'scanner', 'skype', 'website'); // Module we dont want by default $amount = (is_numeric($amount) ? $amount : 0); // Check if amount is numeric, for example, an error occured when amount value = o (letter) instead 0 (number) $controle = $tableau[$report][10]; $data = getDecodeValue($mege, $type); $daytoparse = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); // this are value submited after submit of action 'submitdateselect' $ensemblereponses = $obj->reponses; $fils = 0; $i1 = 0; // count the nb of and criteria added (all fields / criterias) $intial = 0; $ldaprecords = $ldap->getRecords('*', $conf->global->LDAP_MEMBER_DN, $conf->global->LDAP_KEY_MEMBERS, $required_fields, 'member'); // Fiter on 'member' filter param $ldaprecords = $ldap->getRecords('*', $conf->global->LDAP_USER_DN, $conf->global->LDAP_KEY_USERS, $required_fields, 'user'); // Fiter on 'user' filter param $mege = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $jk, $fpos); $mege = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $jk, $fpos, FT_UID); $object->status = $object->fk_statut; // for backwad compatibility $opensurveysondage->mail_admin = $_SESSION['adresse']; $pdf->SetXY($savx, $savy); $savy = $pdf->getY(); $showfield = 1; // By defaut $somethingshown = $formactions->showactions($object, 'mouvement', 0, 1, '', $MAXEVENT, '', $morehtmlcenter); // Show all action for product $sql .= " SET reponses = '".$db->escape($nouveauchoix)."'"; $sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."ecm_directories set cachenbofdoc = -1 WHERE cachenbofdoc < 0"; // If pb into cahce counting, we set to value -1 = "unknown" $tmpday = -date("w", dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year, 'gmt')) + 2; // date('w') is 0 fo sunday $valuetoshow = ucfirst($fieldlist[$field]); // By defaut /* intput, input[type=text], */ /* width: 168px; If I use with, there is trouble on size of flex boxes solved with min+max that is a little bit higer than min */ /** Renvoi la description par defaut du modele de numerotation /** @var string Authentification key */ // -> 7=Canceled/Never received -> (reopen) 3=Process runing // 0=Draft -> 1=Validated -> 2=Approved -> 3=Process runing -> 4=Received partially -> 5=Received totally -> (reopen) 4=Received partially // -> 7=Canceled/Never received -> (reopen) 3=Process runing // (usefull to sort holidays, sick days or similar on the top) // Add LEFT JOIN for all parent tables mentionned into the Group by // Add LEFT JOIN for all parent tables mentionned into the Xaxis // Add LEFT JOIN for all parent tables mentionned into the Yaxis // Add format informations and link to download example // Affichage de la liste des projets de la semaine // Bit 1: 0 ligne normale - 1 si ligne de remise fixe // By default use tls decied by PHP. // Cas des parametres TAX_MODE_SELL/BUY_SERVICE/PRODUCT // Chargement de la classe // Chargement de labels et data_xxx pour tableau 4 Mouvements // Chars '--' can be used into filename to inject special paramaters like --use-compress-program to make command with file as parameter making remote execution of command // Compare version with last install database version (upgrades never occured) // Confirm cancelation // Confirm deleteion // Confirmation desactivation // Confirmation du classement abandonne // Contacts of task, disabled because available by default jsut after // Create MO with Childs // Create classe to use for import // Create or edit a varian // Create temporary encryption key if nedded // Date appoval // Date delivery planed // Definition des parametres vente produit pour paybox // Definition, nettoyage parametres // Delivery date planed // Donwload file // Edition des varibales globales // FIX for compatibity habitual tabs // Fixe les dimensions de la vignette // Fixed by Matelli (see http://matelli.fr/showcases/patchs-dolibarr/fix-cleaning-url.html) // For example to avoid to have substition done when object is generic and not yet defined. // Force parametres en chaine // Get the main request informaiton. // Hauteur par defaut d'une ligne // If there is a translation, we can send immediatly the label // If we are here, this means authentication was successfull. // Initialisation objet cactioncomm // Initialize array of search criterias // Link for delivery fields ref and date. Does not duplicate the line because we should always have ony 1 link or 0 per shipment // List of fiels for action=list // None. Beeing connected is enough. // Nunber of files // On remet cette lecture de permission ici car nécessaire d'avoir le nouveau statut de l'objet après toute action exécutée dessus (après incrémentation par exemple, le bouton supprimer doit disparaître) // Parameteres execution // Payment informations // Payments not linked to an invoice. Should not happend. For debug only. // Peut valoir un nombre ou liste de nombre separes par virgules // Properties to store project informations // Replace HTML coments // Replace protected special codes with matching number of _ as wild card caracter // Search parent to set task_parent_alternate_id (requird by ganttchart) // Set also dependencies between use taks and bill time // Show autofill date for recuring invoices // Show image to selecte between date survey or other survey // Si (vendeur dans Communaute europeene et acheteur hors Communaute europeenne et acheteur particulier) alors TVA par defaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de regle // Si (vendeur et acheteur dans Communaute europeenne) et (acheteur = entreprise) alors TVA par defaut=0. Fin de regle // Si (vendeur et acheteur dans Communaute europeenne) et (acheteur = particulier) alors TVA par defaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de regle // Si (vendeur et acheteur dans Communaute europeenne) et (bien vendu = moyen de transports neuf comme auto, bateau, avion) alors TVA par defaut=0 (La TVA doit etre paye par l'acheteur au centre d'impots de son pays et non au vendeur). Fin de regle. // Si le (pays vendeur = pays acheteur) alors la TVA par defaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de regle. // Sinon la TVA proposee par defaut=0. Fin de regle. // Subscription informations // Tableau des parametres complementaires du post // The feature to define the numbering module of lot or serial is no enabled bcause it is not used anywhere in Dolibarr code: You can set it // Update ressource // Verification parametres // Warning: Do not set default value into property defintion. it must stay null. // We keep it with value ForceBuyingPriceIfNull = 2 for retroactive effect but results are unpredicable. // We open a list of transaction of a dedicated account and no page was set by defaut // When a dictionnary is commented // add properties and declare them in consturctor // but in some situations that is required (update legal informations for example) // for gravatar use get_avatar_from_service('gravatar', md5 hash email@adress, size-in-px ) // on transfert les données de l'un vers l'autre // si le filtrage est parametre pour l'export ou pas // start and end date that change with time andd that may be different that the period of reference for price. // verify informations entred //' If an error occured, show the resulting errors //' If the API call succeded, then redirect the buyer to PayPal to begin to authorize payment. //' of the authorization, incuding any shipping information of the //'__PERSONALIZED__' => 'TESTPersonalized' // Hiden because not used yet //'options_attr2'=>'Attr2 balbal' //Extra field exemple where field code is attr2 //,'options_attr1'=>'Attr1 balbal', //Extra field exemple where field code is attr1 //If invoice has been converted and the conversion has been used, we dont have remain to pay on invoice //If no task avaiblable, redirec to to add confirm //TODO : Note and docuement //console.log("amount before="+amount+" rouding="+rounding) //if ($val['notnull'] > 0) $rightpart .= ' fieldrequired'; // No fieldrequired inthe view output //search and get all permssion in stirng
(optional) resource name
TaskItem(pID, pName, pStart, pEnd, pColor, pLink, pMile, pRes, pComp, pGroup, pParent, pOpen, pDepend, pCaption, pNotes, pGantt)

Une ligne represente un element : data[$x] accessforbidden('Not enought permissions'); const CLOSECODE_ABANDONED = 'abandon'; // Abandonned - other const CLOSECODE_BADDEBT = 'badcustomer'; // Abandonned remain - bad customer const CLOSECODE_BANKCHARGE = 'bankcharge'; // Abandonned remain - bank charge const CLOSECODE_DISCOUNTVAT = 'discount_vat'; // Abandonned remain - escompte const CLOSECODE_OTHER = 'other'; // Abandonned remain - other const TRIGGER_PREFIX = ''; // to be overriden in child class implementations, i.e. 'BILL', 'TASK', 'PROPAL', etc. display: inline-block; /* this will be modifiy on the fly by the copy-paste js code in lib_foot.js.php to have copy feature working */ dol_syslog("complete_dictionary_with_modules Search external modules to complete the list of dictionnary tables", LOG_DEBUG, 1); dol_syslog("getURLContent response size=".strlen($response)); // This may contains binary data, so we dont output it dolibarr_del_const($db, 'SYSLOG_HANDLERS', -1); // To be sure ther is not a setup into another entity echo $line->disable_stock_change ? yn($line->disable_stock_change) : ''; // Yes, it is a quantity, not a price, but we just want the formating role of function price global $conf, $db, $hookmanager, $langs, $mysoc, $user, $website, $websitepage, $weblangs, $pagelangs; // Very important. Required to have var available when running inluded containers. global $conf, $db, $hookmanager, $langs, $mysoc, $user, $website, $websitepage, $weblangs; // Very important. Required to have var available when running inluded containers. httponly_accessforbidden('Module Memebership no enabled'); if ($action == "transfert") { if ($fils == 0) { if ($fk_pa > 0 && empty($paht)) { if (empty($shmkeys[$memoryid])) { // No room reserved for thid memoryid, no way to use cache if (getDolGlobalInt('PRODUCT_USE_OLD_PATH_FOR_PHOTO')) { // For backward compatiblity, we scan also old dirs min-height: 26px !important; /* We cant use height because it's a div and it should be higher if content is more. but min-height doe not work either for div */ min-height: 26px !important; /* We cant use height because it's a div and it should be higher if content is more. but min-height does not work either for div */ padding: .19em .35em; /* more than 0.19 generate a change into heigth of lines */ print "Load joomla news and create them into Dolibarr database (if they don't alreay exist).\n"; print '
'; // You can use div-table-responsive-no-min if you dont need reserved height for your table print '
'; // You can use div-table-responsive-no-min if you dont need reserved height for your table print '
The recommanded value for MAIN_SECURITY_HASH_ALGO is now \'password_hash\' but setting it now will make ALL existing passwords of all users not valid, so update is not possible.
'; print ''; print ' We were skeptical to work with a consultant to optimize our sales emails, but they were highly recommended by many other startups we knew. They helped us to reach our objective of 20% turnover increase, in 4 monthes. tempora nam reprehenderit quia itaque debitis, // prevent submiting form on press ENTER print "Package $target built succeessfully in $DESTI\n"; SOCIETE_USEPREFIX can restore old feature. miscelaneous contries. * the tagret is useful with hooks : that allow externals modules to add setup items on good place - htdocs/modulebuilder/template/test/phpunit/functionnal description: Screenshots, screencasts, dolibarr.log, debugging informations | dolibar | | | dolibar | pass | | dolibar | password | - name: Chech Apache availability /* height of an item in any tree / collapsable table */ dejavusans* (used by greek, arab, persan, romanian, turkish), Replaced phplot and phplot5 librairies by artichow. for a personnal address book. fundation module. where {TYPE} is contact type code (BILLING, SHIPPING, CUSTOMER, ... see contact type dictionnary). * non defini=>renvoi un salt pour cryptage par defaut * Initialy built by build_class_from_table on 2016-05-17 12:22 * The payment was already really recorded. So an error here must send warning to admin but must still infor user that payment is ok. * Initialy built by build_class_from_table on 2013-03-10 00:32 * et la classe mere de numerotation des bons de livraisons * @param int $trunc 1=Truncate if there is more decimals than MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_SHOWN (default), 0=Does not truncate. Deprecated because amount are rounded (to unit or total amount accurancy) before beeing inserted into database or after a computation, so this parameter should be useless. * @param int $info_bits Miscellaneous informations on line * @return string String with formated amount * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour la gestion des utilisaterus et groupes * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour les adherents * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour les contacts * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour les deplacements * \brief Fichier contenant la classe du modele de numerotation de reference de commande fournisseur Muguet * \brief Fichier contenant la classe mere des boites * \brief Fichier de la classe des charges sociales * \brief File for Tanslate class * \brief Page des informations d'un utilisateur * \brief Page des informations d'une action * \brief Page des informations d'une facture * \brief Page des informations d'une facture fournisseur * \brief Page to adminsiter email sender profiles * \brief Page to setup extra fields of stock mouvement * \brief Tabe to enter counting * Si le (pays vendeur = pays acheteur) alors TVA par defaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de regle. * Sinon TVA proposee par defaut=0. Fin de regle. * VATRULE 2: Si le (pays vendeur = pays acheteur) alors TVA par defaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de regle. * VATRULE 3: Si (vendeur et acheteur dans Communaute europeenne) et (bien vendu = moyen de transports neuf comme auto, bateau, avion) alors TVA par defaut=0 (La TVA doit etre paye par acheteur au centre d'impots de son pays et non au vendeur). Fin de regle. * VATRULE 4: Si (vendeur et acheteur dans Communaute europeenne) et (acheteur = particulier) alors TVA par defaut=TVA du produit vendu. Fin de regle * VATRULE 5: Si (vendeur et acheteur dans Communaute europeenne) et (acheteur = entreprise) alors TVA par defaut=0. Fin de regle * VATRULE 6: Sinon TVA proposee par defaut=0. Fin de regle. * @param string $address email (Ex: "toto@examle.com". Long form "John Do " will be false) * @param Societe $thirdparty_seller Objet societe vendeuse * @param Translate $outputlangs Objet lang a utiliser pour traduction * @param int $color 0=texte only, 1=Text is formated with a color font style ('ok' or 'error'), 2=Text is formated with 'ok' color. * @param int $maxlinesize Largeur de ligne en caracteres (ou 0 si pas de limite - defaut) * @param mixed $gm True or 1 or 'gmt'=Input informations are GMT values * @param object $object Objet to show * @param string $morehtmlcenter String in the middle ('' by default). We often find here string $massaction comming from $form->selectMassAction() * @param string $begin ("" by defaut) * @param string $begin ("" by defaut) * @param Societe $thirdparty_buyer Objet societe acheteuse * @param string $moreattrib Add more attributes on th ("" by defaut). To add more css class, use param $prefix. * @param string $moreattrib Options of attribute td ("" by defaut) * @return array Array of informations * @return string Formated reduction * @return string Formated profID * Class for accesing price expression table * Class for accesing price global variables table * Class to buld vCard files * Class to manage numbering of intervention cards with rule Artic. * Classe de gestion des factures recurrentes/Modeles * Classe du modele de numerotation de reference de commande fournisseur Muguet * Classe du modele de numerotation de reference de commande fournisseur Orchidee * Classe mere des modeles de bon de livraison * Classe mere des modeles de numerotation des references de propales * Classe mere des modeles de propale * Classe permettant de generer les borderaux envoi au modele Squille * Classe permettant de generer les projets au modele Ban * Classe permettant de generer les rapports de paiement * Classe permettant la generation de composants html autre * Classe permettant la gestion des paiements des charges * Classe permettant la gestion des stats des deplacements et notes de frais * Classe permettant la gestion des stats des salaires * Classe permettant la gestion des tiers par defaut * Classe permettant la gestion monkey des codes tiers * Decode a string with a symetric encryption. Used to decrypt sensitive data saved into database. * Encode a string with a symetric encryption. Used to encrypt sensitive data into database. * Get formated messages to output (Used to show messages on html output). * Parent class to manage warehouse mouvement document templates * Print formated messages to output (Used to show messages on html output). * Return a string with VAT rate label formated for view output * Return a timestamp date built from detailed informations (by default a local PHP server timestamp) * Return nb of lines of a formated text with \n and
(WARNING: string must not have mixed \n and br separators) * Returns formated reduction * Save personnal parameter * Show informations on an object * Show logo editer/modifier fiche * \brief Fichier de la classe permettant d'editer au format PDF des etiquettes au format Avery ou personnalise * \brief Classe permettant la gestion leopard des codes produits * \brief Classe du modele de numerotation de reference de livraison Saphir * \brief Classe permettant la gestion des contacts par defaut * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module categorie * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module fichinter * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module prelevement * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module propal * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module societe * \brief Fichier contenant la classe du modele de numerotation de reference de commande fournisseur Orchidee * \brief Fichier contenant la classe du modele de numerotation de reference de livraison Saphir * \brief Fichier contenant la classe du modele de numerotation de reference de projet Universal * \brief Fichier contenant la classe mere de generation de bon de livraison en PDF * \brief Fichier de la classe Thirdparty card controller (common) * \brief Fichier de la classe Thirdparty card controller (individual canvas) * \brief Fichier de la classe Thirdparty contact card controller (common) * \brief Fichier de la classe Thirdparty contact card controller (default canvas) * \brief Fichier de la classe de gestion des stats des adhérents * \brief Fichier de la classe des factures fournisseursrecurentes * \brief Fichier de la classe des fonctions predefinie de composants html * \brief Fichier de la classe des fonctions predefinie de composants html autre * \brief Fichier de la classe permettant de generer les bordereaux envoi au modele Squille * \brief Fichier de la classe permettant de gerer une base pgsql * \brief File of class to manage receving receipts with template Storm * \brief File of class to manage receving receipts with template Typhon * \brief Gantt diagramm of a project * \brief Management of direct debit order or credit tranfer of invoices * \brief Module pour inclure des informations externes RSS * \brief Module to build boxe for events * \brief Page des informations d'un entrepot * \file htdocs/opensurvey/fonctions.php * Note: In database, dates are always fot the server TZ. * 'member' to add a tab in fundation member view * @return boolean True if informations are valid, false otherwise * Check account number informations for a bank account * \brief Module pour inclure des fonctions de saisies des taxes (tva) et charges sociales * @param int $alpha 0=Keep number only to forge path, 1=Use alpha part afer the - (By default, use 0). (deprecated, global option will be used in future) * @param int $showdetails Show company adress details into footer (0=Nothing, 1=Show address, 2=Show managers, 3=Both) * @param string $replace Replacement character (defaul: *) * @return string Formated phone number * @return string Formated IP, with country if GeoIP module is enabled * @return string Formated date or '' if time is null * Classe du modele de numerotation de reference de projet Universal * Return a html list with rank informations * Return an IP formated to be shown on screen * \brief Fichier de la classe des gestion des fiches interventions * et la classe mere de numerotation des propales * Return a string with full address formated for output on documents * @param string $extName Extension to differenciate thumb file name ('_small', '_mini') * @return string Formated text of duration * This Ajax service is oftenly called when option MAIN_DIRECT_STATUS_UPDATE is set. * 'contract' to add a tabl in contract view * 'action-btn-label' => '', // Overide label of action button, if empty default label use "Confirm" lang key * 'cancel-btn-label' => '', // Overide label of cancel button, if empty default label use "CloseDialog" lang key * 'content' => '', // Overide text of content, if empty default content use "ConfirmBtnCommonContent" lang key * 'title' => '', // Overide title of modal, if empty default title use "ConfirmBtnCommonTitle" lang key * 'url' => 'http://', // Overide Url to go when user click on action btn, if empty default url is $url.?confirm=yes, for no js compatibility use $url for fallback confirm. * 'action-btn-label' => '', // Overide label of action button, if empty default label use "Confirm" lang key * 'cancel-btn-label' => '', // Overide label of cancel button, if empty default label use "CloseDialog" lang key * 'content' => '', // Overide text of content, if empty default content use "ConfirmBtnCommonContent" lang key * 'title' => '', // Overide title of modal, if empty default title use "ConfirmBtnCommonTitle" lang key * 'url' => 'http://', // Overide Url to go when user click on action btn, if empty default url is $url.?confirm=yes, for no js compatibility use $url for fallback confirm. * This token and session can be used to get more informations. * This token can be used to get more informations. * - Le nom de la classe doit etre InterfaceMytrigger * Initialy built by build_class_from_table on 2015-02-24 10:38 * Initialy built by build_class_from_table on 2016-05-17 12:22 * \brief Fichier de la classe de gestion des stats des deplacement et notes de frais * \brief Fichier de la classe de gestion des stats des expensereport et notes de frais * \brief Fichier de la classe de gestion des stats des factures * \brief Fichier de la classe de gestion des stats des tickets * \brief Fichier de la classe des gestion leopard des codes clients * \brief Fichier de la classe des gestion leopard des codes produits * \brief Fichier de la classe des gestion lion des codes clients * \brief Fichier de la classe permettant la generation du formulaire html d'envoi de mail unitaire * \brief Onglet informations personnelles d'un contact * \brief Page fiche LDAP groupe * \brief Tab to manage contacts/adresses of proposal * @return boolean True if informations are valid, false otherwise * @return string Formated string * @return string Return list fo image format * Check IBAN number informations for a bank account. * Check SWIFT informations for a bank account * Classe permettant la generation du formulaire d'envoi de Sms * Classe permettant la generation du formulaire html d'envoi de mail unitaire * Return a formated address (part address/zip/town/state) according to country rules. * \brief Classe to manage GeoIP * \brief Fichier de la classe des fonctions predefinie de composants html * \brief Fichier de la classe des fonctions predefinie de composants html cron * \brief Page des informations dolistore * Classe du modele de numerotation de reference de projet Universal * \brief Page list of invoice paied by direct debit or credit transfer * Also modified to handle attachements. * \brief Fichier contenant la classe du modele de numerotation de reference de projet Universal * - corrected the defualt value for 'setPriority()' * Si vendeur non assujeti a TVA, TVA par defaut=0. Fin de regle. * VATRULE 1: Si vendeur non assujeti a TVA, TVA par defaut=0. Fin de regle. * \brief Fichier de la classe de gestion des triggers * \brief Fichier contenant la classe du modele de numerotation de reference de bon de livraison Jade * - 'getBodyContent()' builds full messsage body, even multi-part * - 'setAttachment()' will add an MD5 checksum to attachements if above property is set * - added '_server_authenticate()' as a seperate method to handle server authentication. * - added _server_connect()' as a seperate method to handle server connectivity. * - added propery "Close message boundry" tomessage block * - basic shell with some commets * - modifed 'getFrom()' to handle "striping" the email address * - modified getHeader() to ustilize new Message Sensitivity and Priorty properties * - removed leading dashes from message boundry * @param int $onlysqltoimportwebsite Only sql resquests used to import a website template are allowed * @param int $onlysqltoimportwebsite Only sql resquests used to import a website template are allowed * @param string $context 'add'=Output field for the "add form", 'edit'=Output field for the "edit form", 'hide'=Output field for the "add form" but we dont want it to be rendered * @param string $context 'add'=Output field for the "add form", 'edit'=Output field for the "edit form", 'hide'=Output field for the "add form" but we dont want it to be rendered * @param DoliDB $db objet base de donnee * @param Translate $outputlangs objet lang a utiliser pour traduction * @param array $authentication Array with authentication informations ('login'=>,'password'=>,'entity'=>,'dolibarrkey'=>) * @param array|null $logcontext If defined, an array with extra informations (can be used by some log handlers) * @param int $mode Mode (0=default, 1=return without dieing) * @param int $cleanalsojavascript Remove also occurence of 'javascript:'. * @param int $disabledoutputofmessages Clear all messages stored into session without diplaying them * @param int $ts Timesamp (If is_gmt is true, timestamp is already includes timezone and daylight saving offset, if is_gmt is false, timestamp is a GMT timestamp and we must compensate with server PHP TZ) * @param string $clean Clean if it is not an ISO. Warning, if file is utf8, you will get a bad formated file. * @param string $modele force le modele a utiliser ('' par defaut) * @param string $fieldref Nom du champ objet ref (object->ref) a utiliser pour select next et previous * @param int $natsort 1=use "natural" sort (natsort) for a search criteria thats is strings or unknown, 0=use "standard" sort (asort) for numbers * @param string $context 'add'=Output field for the "add form", 'edit'=Output field for the "edit form", 'hide'=Output field for the "add form" but we dont want it to be rendered * @param array $menu_array_before Table of menu entries to show before entries of menu handler. This param is deprectaed and must be provided to ''. * @param int $donoresetalreadyloaded Do not reset global array $donoresetalreadyloaded used to avoid to go down on an aleady processed record * @return string String with formated amounts ('19,6' or '19,6%' or '8.5% (NPR)' or '8.5% *' or '19,6 (CODEX)') * @return array|int Array with details of VATs (per rate), -1 if no accountancy module, -2 if not yet developped, -3 if error * @return array|int Array with details of VATs (per third parties), -1 if no accountancy module, -2 if not yet developped, -3 if error * Classe mere des modeles de numerotation des references de members * Classe mere des modeles de numerotation des references de projets * Classe permettant la gestion des stats des expensereports et notes de frais * Delete files into database index using search criterias. * Get formated error messages to output (Used to show messages on html output). * If constant MAIN_SECURITY_HASH_ALGO is defined, we use this function as hashing function (recommanded value is 'password_hash') * If constant MAIN_SECURITY_SALT is defined, we use it as a salt (used only if hashing algorightm is something else than 'password_hash'). * Note that PHP_OS returns only OS (not version) and OS PHP was built on, not necessarly OS PHP runs on. * Print formated error messages to output (Used to show messages on html output). * Return a login if login/pass was successfull * Return array head with list of tabs to view object informations * Return array head with list of tabs to view object informations. * Return array head with list of tabs to view object stats informations * Show bank informations for PDF generation * This is called when MAIN_DIRECT_STATUS_UPDATE is set and it use tha ajax service objectonoff.php * WARNING: This function use PHP server timezone by default to return locale informations. * \brief Classe du modele de numerotation de reference de bon de livraison Jade * \brief Classe mere des modeles de numerotation des references de bon de livraison * \brief Classe mere des modeles de numerotation des tickets de caisse * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module commande * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module import * \brief Fichier contenant la classe mere de generation des propales en PDF * \brief Fichier de la classe de gestion des entrepots * \brief Fichier de la classe de gestion des expeditions * \brief Fichier de la classe de gestion des receptions * \brief Fichier de la classe de gestion du menu gauche * \brief Fichier de la classe des factures recurentes * \brief Fichier de la classe permettant d'editer au format PDF des etiquettes au format Avery ou personnalise * \brief File of class fo tmanage reception statistics * \brief File of class fo tmanage shipment statistics * \brief Page to show Dolibarr informations * create an array of lines [ skillLabel,dscription, maxrank on group1 , minrank needed for this skill ] * no need to call it explicitely. * $m->evalute($expr) * @param array $replaceambiguouschars Discard ambigous characters. For example array('I'). * @param array $arrayofmesures Array of mesures already filled * @param mixed $position key of postion to insert to * @param string $phpfullcodestring PHP new string. For exemple "" * @param string $phpfullcodestringold PHP old string. For exemple "" * @param string $modulepart Module of document ('module', 'module_user_temp', 'module_user' or 'module_temp'). Exemple: 'medias', 'invoice', 'logs', 'tax-vat', ... * @param string intput Array of complementary actions to do if success * @param string $param Parameters of URL (x=value1&y=value2) or may be a formated content with $postorget='PUTALREADYFORMATED' * @param {string} intput Array of complementary actions to do if success * @param float $paht Buying price without tax * @param int $fk_pa Id of buying price (prefer set this to 0 and provide $paht instead. With id, buying price may have change) * @param string $urltograb URL to grab (exemple: http://www.nltechno.com/ or http://www.nltechno.com/dir1/ or http://www.nltechno.com/dir1/mapage1) * @param string $filterd Filter of done by user * @param string $head Optionnal head lines * @param string $htmlcontent HTML Contect * @param array $arrayfields Array with displayed coloumn information * @param array $params various params for future : recommended rather than adding more fuction arguments. array('attr'=>array('title'=>'abc')) * @param bool|string $label true = auto, false = dont display, string = replace output * @param bool|string $progressNumber true = auto, false = dont display, string = replace output * @param int $mode 0=True url, 1=Url formated with colors * @param int $mode 0=True url, 1=Url formated with colors * @param int $mode 0=True url, 1=Url formated with colors * @param string $where To add a filter on selection (for exemple to filter on invoice types) * @param string $replaceimagepath Replace path to image with another path. Exemple: ('doc/'=>'xxx/aaa/') * @param string $extName Extension to differenciate thumb file name ('', '_small', '_mini') * @param string $resourceType ressource type * @param boolean $extraRightColumn (optional) Add a addtional column after the summary word and total number * @param int $action 0 for delete, 1 for add, 2 for update, -1 when delete object completly, -2 for generate rights after add * @param string $noneWord (optional) The word that is shown when the table has no entires ($num === 0) * @param string $objectname name of object whant to remove * @retun boolean * @return array returns an associtive array containing the response from the server. * @return string A HTML table that conatins a list with open (unpaid) supplier invoices * @return string Formated value * @return array Array of mesures * @return string Formated size * @return array Array with time spent for $fuser for each day of week on tasks in $lines and substasks * @return string Formated value * @return string Array of id of orders wit all dispathing already done or not required * @return string Formated size * Abort invoice creationg with a given error message * Check whether given extension is in html etensions list * Classe permettant la gestion des stats des deplacements et notes de frais * Classe to manage lines of shipment * Code to ouput content when action is presend * Copyright (C) 2004 Sebastien Di Cintio * Copyright (C) 2005-2019 Laurent Destailleur * Copyright (C) 2005-2021 Laurent Destailleur * Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Laurent Destailleur * Copyright (C) 2016 Laurent Destailleur * Correspondance des expeditions et des commandes clients dans la table llx_co_exp * Correspondance des livraisons et des commandes clients dans la table llx_co_liv * Creation objet $langs (must be before all other code) * For action=add, use: $var = GETPOST('var'); // No GETPOSTISSET, so GETPOST always called and default value is retreived if not a form POST, and value of form is retreived if it is a form POST. * It is usefull to search for a particular key and displaying arrays. * Lattest modified orders * Les catégories filles, sous tableau dez la catégorie * List of salaries payed * List of social contributions payed * Migrate event assignement to owner * Note: For ip, it returns 0 with some PHP (5.6.24) and 2 with some minor patchs of PHP (5.6.25). See https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/1954. * Ouput html header of a page. It calls also top_httphead() * Ouput javacript to autoset a generated password using default module into a HTML element. * Output a task line into a perday intput mode * Output a task line into a pertime intput mode * Parametre * Return a string of random bytes (hexa string) with length = $length fro cryptographic purposes. * Return array head with list of tabs to view object informations. * Return if we are using a HTTPS connexion * Return string with formated size * Start a table with headers and a optinal clickable number (don't forget to use "finishSimpleTable()" after the last table row) * Test de la connexion * This will call doldir_list_indatabase to complate filearray. * To use other version than embeded libraries, define here constant to path. Use '' to use include class path autodetect. * Used to ouput the page on the Preview from backoffice. * Used to ouput the page when viewed from a server (Dolibarr or Apache). * We supose dir separator for input is '/'. * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module LDAP * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module banque * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module contrat * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module ecm * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module produit et service * \brief Ensemble de fonctions de base pour le module propal * \brief Fichier contenant la classe du modele de numerotation de reference de note de frais Sand * \brief Module pour inclure des fonctions de comptabilite (gestion de comptes comptables et rapports) * \brief Fichier de la classe des fonctions predefinies de composant html advtargetemailing * \brief Page to show the result of updating it Data policiy preferences after an email campaign using sendMailDataPolicyContact() * \brief Migrate news from a Joomla databse into a Dolibarr website * \brief Script de mise a jour des groupes dans LDAP depuis base Dolibarr * only be guaranted by escaping data during output. * that lack the multibye string extension. Badge style is based on boostrap framework The ckeditor is tripple licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), progress style is based on boostrap and admin lte framework # Detecte repertoire du script # Enable comented out UTF8 charset/collation options # Examle of rule you can add to fail2ban to restrict bruteforce attacks. # If phpcs check fail and AUTOFIX is set to 1, then it run phpcbf to fix automaticaly the syntax, and git commit is canceled. # NOTE: Using this script is depcrecated, you can now convert generated ODT to PDF on the fly by setting the value MAIN_ODT_AS_PDF # Script to extrac a database with demo values. # The output patch file can then be submited on Dolibarr dev mailing-list, # a logarithmic scale so increasing the size by one will rougly double the # causing a significant performance penality. # dpkg -I package.deb Give informations on package #export DH_COMPAT=7 # This is the debhelper compatability version to use, now defined into compat file $FULLTAG = GETPOST("fulltag", 'alpha'); // fulltag is tag with more informations $array = array(1=>'Value 1', 2=>'Value 2', 3=>'Value 3 ith a very long text. aze eazeae e ae aeae a e a ea ea ea e a e aea e ae aeaeaeaze.'); $conf = new stdClass(); // instantiate $conf explicitely $permissiontoadd = $user->rights->stock->mouvement->creer; $permissiontodelete = $user->rights->stock->mouvement->creer; // There is no deletion permission for stock movement as we shoul dnever delete $permissiontodelete = $user->rights->stock->mouvement->creer; // There is no deletion permission for stock movement as we should never delete $permissiontoread = $user->rights->stock->mouvement->lire; $seledted = empty($conf->global->BLOCKEDLOG_DISABLE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_COUNTRY) ? array() : explode(',', $conf->global->BLOCKEDLOG_DISABLE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_COUNTRY); $sql = "SELECT id_users, nom as name, id_sondage, reponses"; $sql = 'SELECT nom as name, reponses'; $tag = GETPOST('tag'); // To retreive the emailing, and recipient $usercancreate = $user->rights->stock->mouvement->creer; $usercancreate = (($user->rights->stock->mouvement->creer)); $usercandelete = $user->rights->stock->mouvement->creer; $usercandelete = (($user->rights->stock->mouvement->supprimer)); $usercanread = $user->rights->stock->mouvement->lire; $usercanread = (($user->rights->stock->mouvement->lire)); * Return array head with list of tabs to view object informations. * TODO: use color definition vars above for define badges color status X -> exemple $badgeStatusValidate, $badgeStatusClosed, $badgeStatusActive .... * ALL EXTERNAL MODULES THAT WERE NOT CORRECTLY DEVELOPPED WILL NOT WORK ON V15 (All modules that forgot to manage the security token field * All functions fetch_all() have been set to deprecated for naming consitency, use fetchAll() instead. * Core has introduced a Universal Filter Syntax for seach criteria. Example: ((((field1:=:value1) OR (field2:in:1,2,3)) AND ...). In rare case, some filters * ONLY security reports on modules provided by default and with the "stable" status are valid (troubles into "experimental", "developement" or external modules are not valid vulnerabilities). * Optionnaly, made freemono the default monotype font if we removed courier * Optionnaly, removed all fonts except * Removed the method 4 of GETPOST (to get $_COOKIE). It was not used and not recommanded to use in Dolibarr. * Sensitive datas like keys in setup pages, that need encyption (for example the API keys of users, the CRON security key, the keys into the Stripe module, or * Sensitive datas like keys in setup pages, that need encyption (for example the API keys of users, the CRON security key, the keys into the Stripe module, or * The deprecated subsitution key __SIGNATURE__ has been removed. Replace it with __USER_SIGNATURE__ if you used the old syntax in your email templates. * The substition key __SIGNATURE__ was renamed into __USER_SIGNATURE__ to follow naming conventions. * You can test patching of serie with "quilt push" (autant de fois que de patch). Avec "quilt pop -a", on revient a l'état du upstream sans les patch. * v14 seems to work correctly on PHP v8 but it generates a lot of verbose warnings. Currently, v14 i snot yet officialy supported with PHP 8. - A module can add subsitution keys in makesubsitutions() functions. - A new paramater sqlfilters was introduced to allow filter on any fields int the REST API. Few old parameters, - Change in tanslation to make Dolibarr easier to understand. - Check all files are commited. - Delivery/Receiption - Fields of classes were renamed to be normalized (nom, prenom, cp, ville, adresse, tel - Fix: Stock value is not reset when product is transfered into other warehouse. - Fix: [bug #270] PostgreSQL backend try to connect throught TCP socket for - Fix: withdrawal create error if in the same month are deleted previus withdrawals. - For Dev, you can also add link serie to GIT HEAD. - More informations reported in system information pages. - New : Genrate auto the PDF for supplier invoice. - New/NEW: for an unreferenced new feature (Opening a feature request and using close is prefered) - New: Add ES formated address country rule. - New: Add Gant diagramm on project module. - New: Add field oustanding limit into thirdparty properties. - New: Add management of triger FICHEINTER_VALIDATE - New: Add more "hooks" (like hooks to change way of showing/editing lines into dictionnaries). - New: Default approver for holidays is set by default to hierchical parent. - New: Dictionary setup works with very large external dictionnaries (Add - New: Form to add a photo is immediatly available on photo page if - New: POS module can works with only one payment method (cach, chq, credit card). - New: When creating a contact from a third party, informations from third - New: [ task #1204 ] add Numering contrat module free (like leopard in product module). - New: [ task #826 ] Optionnal increase stock when deleting an invoice already validated. - Properties "dictionnaries" into module descriptor files have been renamed into "dictionaries". - Save and show last connexion date for users. - Support multi-langual description for products. - To build developper documentation, launch the script - Uncompress the downloaded .zip archive to copy the "dolibarr/htdocs" directory and all its files inside your web server root or get the files directly from GitHub (recommanded if you know git as it makes it easier if you want to upgrade later): /*